Of course with all the news of Jesse James & Tiger Woods and of course Dr. Drew Pinksy’s new Celebrity Sex Rehab show, the question most often asked is, Is there such a thing as sexual addiction? As I have stated in other articles addiction is a complex issue. People find themselves doing ... Views: 1561
Building a Private Practice is all about creating a strong foundation. This foundation builds as you strengthen your business plan, the way you do business, you as therapist and your marketing plan. I have found many therapists don't know how to describe themselves or tell others what they do ... Views: 1248
Building a successful private practice takes a coordination of activity. It takes working honing your craft, it takes a support system, the use of multiple of marketing tools and in this day and age it takes creating a web presence. If you'd like to know more about marketing tools you can go to ... Views: 1413
What makes couples counseling successful? In my experience couple's who are willing to take risks, try new behaviors and invest time and energy increase their changes for success. Learning how to communicate and problem resolve provide the foundation but time and energy are essential for lasting ... Views: 1203
“An analyst trained in contemporary psychoanalysis focuses not just on past experiences, but also on the here-and-now of an individual's experiences and relationships. Attachments, separations, and losses beginning in infancy influence one's personality, as do current contexts of living, ... Views: 1897
Dr. Jasquith says that tyranny is sometimes expression of the maternal instinct. If that's a mother's love, I want no part of it. -- Bette Davis as Charlotte Vale in "Now Voyager"
The experience of having lived (or living) in trauma is probably the number one reason that brings people to ... Views: 6123
How to Improve Communication Skills
One of the goals of individual and couple's psychotherapy is to improve your ability to know what you want to say and how to have it be heard and understood. If you can improve your ability to communicate success can follow in so many areas of your life. ... Views: 1332