For millions of working people, the dream of having a career and a personal life seems like a faraway possibility. This is especially true in developed nations, where professionals frequently work overtime, neglect to take paid time off, and are locked into cycles of workaholism. It’s even more ... Views: 1083
It’s been said that people have the ability to make or break their own lives. Decisions, whether planned or impulsive, have a way of creating a person’s destiny. Some people fail to recognize the universal truth that a life is precious and must be handled with care at all times to prevent making ... Views: 1177
The Structure of an Effective Team
Even for companies with solid foundations and careful planning, their employees are one factor which ultimately determines the businesses’ fate. By ensuring that your business has an effective team in place to help remain on track to meet the organization’s ... Views: 1555
Financial planning should cover a number of different areas and should encompass all aspects of your business. Some of the topics that you should focus on while engaging in financial planning are:
1. Investigate the market and ensure your objectives are realistic.
2. Determine what you will ... Views: 1107
The idea that the subconscious mind has its own power can be a little “far out” - almost too much for many of us to understand, much less utilize on a daily basis. But it can, with practice, like anything else, be trained to power up your dreams and help you accomplish things you never thought ... Views: 815
You Can Do It!
“If you think you can, or you think you can’t - you’re right.” - Henry Ford
I was reminded the other day about the Little Train That Could. You know, the children’s story about the big train who saw a mountain ahead of him, and said to himself, “I can’t do it! I can’t do it!” ... Views: 1074
More than any other question I get, entrepreneurs ask me how to close sales. They aren't looking for a sales philosophy or tips on being more persuasive on sales calls. Most of all, CEOS want tips that they can implement NOW in order to ramp up their conversion rates.
If you're like a lot of ... Views: 837
Delegation: Is it Time?
Let's start with an image: imagine that your business is a boat. When you started, it was probably like a canoe. You were the only one in it, and you had to do the paddling, the navigating, and the fishing. But now your business has grown. It's more of a large-scale ... Views: 1544
The 4 Biggest Myths about Growing a Business
I talk with a lot of clients who comment that, when they started their business, they didn't realize how difficult it would be to grow. Many of them share that they expected growth would happen automatically once they got their business up and ... Views: 1431
So your business is growing-great news. Now it's time to commence the balancing act that is hiring a new employee. Any small-business owner or entrepreneur who has hired (or thought about hiring) new team members are familiar with the paradox of hiring: you can't grow without new team members, ... Views: 1622
Time Management for Entrepreneurs
Whether you've just launched your first business or you're neck-deep in three or four, you know how easily the hours can slip away when you're your own boss. I've spoken with a lot of entrepreneurs over the years (and am one myself, of course!), and in that ... Views: 2201
Employee Recruiting and Retention
For small-business owners, employee recruitment and retention can be stressful and time-consuming, particularly if you wait until you really, really need another employee's help to maintain and grow your productivity. But finding the right team members makes ... Views: 1398