Luck is not always as random as it appears. There are things that lucky people do differently from others, and ways that they think differently. These "good luck habits" explain much of their good fortune. This is evident even during an economic recession that seems to be hitting everyone.
For ... Views: 644
There are hundreds of money saving tips I could offer, and many of them might be useful in your particular situation. But there is a strategy for spending less which will make you far more secure than any number of tips on how to buy things for less can. That is what this article is ... Views: 699
Creating and using a metaphorical understanding is one of the primary ways we communicate a new idea. The process is very apparent with scientific knowledge. For example, we explain an atom using the metaphor of a little solar system in which the nucleus sits like the sun in the middle and the ... Views: 945
What if self help books just help the self which creates your problems in the first place? I'll get back to that in a moment. First I want to say that many such books certainly can be helpful. A book on how to speak in front of a crowd can help with that, for example, and a book on how to eat or ... Views: 762
The two creativity tips that follow suggest two of the dozens of basic questions you can ask to increase the creativeness of your thinking. Ask these as you work on something, and you can see more creative results today.
1. A Question Of Purpose
Asking certain questions can lead to more ... Views: 728
How do you choose the best self help books? That depends on what you want to accomplish. Are you looking for peace of mind, more money or less fear? Here are five self help books which I have read and can recommend, along with some tips on how to find more that are right for you.
"Feel the Fear ... Views: 1088
Why look for easy meditation techniques? After all, doesn't good meditation practice take time and effort and self discipline? Perhaps, but before a person is ready to make that commitment he or she may want to have a little taste of what the results might be. In other words, start with one of ... Views: 629
I am a follower of hidden trails. In fact, on at least half of the hiking trips I take lately, I'm off the trails altogether, bushwhacking into the unknown. What do you get for doing as Walt Whitman suggested, and taking the "road less traveled?" A bit of adventure. Here are some of the things ... Views: 936
The easiest route to creative product innovation is to start with something we already have and ask some simple questions about it to suggest new ideas. For the sake of demonstrating how this can be done, we'll suppose that we want to design a new kind of bicycle.
We start by asking a lot of ... Views: 656
How does one develop creativity? By habitually taking creative approaches to life's challenges. To make this habitual, you just need to use certain techniques for a few weeks each, until they become a normal part of your thinking. One such technique is outlined here.
Develop Creativity By ... Views: 2037
What is the American Dream? Is it two kids, a new car, a good job, and a big new house with a pet dog to greet you at the door? Hmm... At least there was a deeper conception of it when it was invented.
James Truslow Adams answered the question "What is the American Dream?" in his book, "The ... Views: 1110
There are many ways to make money writing online. Just one of them will be laid out here. It is one that you probably haven't read about before.
Make Money Writing Online Ebooks
Okay, you have heard about ebooks and selling them. This isn't quite the usual way to do that however. You do have ... Views: 683
There are many brainstorming routines and other techniques for creating new business ideas. You'll find just one of them here, but it's a good one.
New Business Ideas By Turning Things Upside Down
This is a technique for generating truly creative new ideas. It's based on the way your mind ... Views: 607
The two most important critical thinking skills are not keen observation nor logic. These help, but both of these come pretty naturally in humans (though we often choose to ignore logic). The skills I am referring to are less common, at least in their fully developed forms. That's sad, ... Views: 1048
There are many ways you can make money writing ebooks. Here are three of them. You don't even need a website for the last two.
Ebooks - The Traditional Way
It may be a stretch to call something "traditional" in an industry that is only a decade old, but this method is as close as you can get ... Views: 700
Some lucky people don't need to learn to budget money in the traditional way. They simply and naturally spend less than they make, and invest the difference for the future. There is no need to allocate "x" amount each month for this or that category if your "outgo" is always less than your ... Views: 757
Why meditate? You may already understand that it is very relaxing. In fact, try the simple meditation in this article and you'll feel more relaxed in just a few minutes. But there are other good reasons to meditate as well. Here are three of them.
Stress Reduction
The relaxation effect of ... Views: 623
Backpacking with children can be a challenge, but it is a good way for kids to learn about the outdoors and develop independence and responsibility. It is also just a great way to have fun. That is, as long as you plan well. Here are four tips to help you out.
1. Generate Interest
Forcing ... Views: 745
Setting goals sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. Why is that? What makes it an effective practice, and when does it fail? It's all about how you do it, and later in this article you'll find six or seven tips on how to properly set goals. But first lets take a deeper look at the "motivation ... Views: 957
If you have ever considered buying self improvement CDs, you know there are a lot to choose from. It isn't just about different authors though. There are very different types to think about as well. Here is a look at five of them, with some pointers as to which may be best for you.
Subliminal ... Views: 2286
The idea of a power nap isn't new. They used to be called catnaps. They consist of just a little bit of sleep in order to refresh you. There has been some research done more recently, though, and it shows that there is a right way and a wrong way.
More precisely, there is a right length and a ... Views: 1106
How do you achieve a more consistent level of daily motivation? Use the following powerful techniques, beginning at the start of your day.
1. Start The Day Motivated
Have a morning motivation routine. Experiment a bit and see what gets you going. If it has to be coffee, then so be it, although ... Views: 736
Before we get into how to use meditation CDs, we have to start with which kind to use. Some products are nothing more than relaxing music, or perhaps a guided meditation with a musical background. There is nothing wrong with these, but if you want a more powerful tool, you need to get CDs that ... Views: 760
There are many money myths that can get in the way of your success. Here are three that you may have bought into. If so, it's time to learn some better ideas.
Money Myth - You Need Money To Make Money
Like most money myths, this one is pulled out as an excuse when a person doesn't want to do ... Views: 633
A meditation for beginners doesn't have to be difficult. In fact it can be as simple as closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths.
Now, you may have read that meditation is for relaxation. Others will say that relaxing is just an "extra" benefit, and that it is meant to make you more self ... Views: 825
You can call it good luck, or cause and effect, or whatever you want. But you know that some people have more good things happen in their lives and more happy surprises. What you may not know is that there are things you can do to be more like them and so be luckier yourself. Here are a few tips ... Views: 778
How do you choose the best meditation music? Baroque music is often recommended, and particular pieces may have the right number of beats-per-minute to alter your brainwaves. But more on that in a moment. The science isn't that settled in this area yet, and you may find that any music which you ... Views: 2722
Good metaphors, apart from just sounding nice to the ears, do at least two other things. First, they make it easier to think about something. For example, if you were to try to explain to a first-time computer user that bits of electricity create binary code which then... well, I can't explain ... Views: 785
The following memory tips are for all ages. Although memory loss often comes with old age, that does not mean it is a necessary result of aging. In fact, there are often specific causes, and a declining ability to remember things can be reversed in many cases. Here are some quick tips to get you ... Views: 706
At the highest levels, better brainpower cannot be separated from higher self awareness. Your own reactive mind often gets in the way of the clearest and deepest thinking, and you have to see this happening to correct it. Part of the problem is what's sometimes referred to as the "monkey mind," ... Views: 653
Here are three money making ideas for kids. All of these possible businesses can be started with just a little bit of money. Of course, if the profits are reinvested they can become much bigger enterprises.
Fishing Worm Business
This might be one of the easiest of these money making ideas for ... Views: 611
All of us make financial mistakes, and research in the new fields of evolutionary economics and behavioral economics are starting to explain why. It will be good to have this knowledge someday. But in the meantime, here are ten of the more common money mistakes you may be making, so you can ... Views: 1023
Sometimes it is just fun to create and share crazy ideas. For example, I recently read about one man's idea to give away free gas. The catch was that there were remote-controlled paintball guns with cameras on them, connected to a web site on the internet. People would pay to fire paintballs at ... Views: 760
How do you choose the relaxation music that works best? You can certainly start by experimenting with many different types. After all, it seems likely that what one person finds relaxing another will find irritating. But is it all just a matter of personal preference?
Actually no. Though ones ... Views: 1181
Albert Einstein used a technique for deep thinking, which he referred to as "thought experiments." He didn't invent the technique, but perhaps made it more popular. It was essentially the practice of relaxing and setting a visualization in motion while watching it closely to see what might be ... Views: 1824
There are many ways to boost the power of the mind. Some of them are proven by science, some soon-to-be proven, and others that work for one person and not another. That is why I advocate the "shotgun approach" to increasing one's mind power. Unlike rifle shells, shotgun shells have many pellets ... Views: 693
How do we determine right and wrong, and can we really capture them with philosophical rules or religious commandments? The answer to the first question is that we call something right or wrong according to whether or not it helps achieve our moral values. That makes the answer to the second ... Views: 1222
Why not start each morning with a simple thought for the day? Hold it in mind to see what perspective it gives to the day's events. Here is one for each day of the week.
Monday's Thought For The Day
When you argue with a person, are you focused on the words? What's out there beyond the words? ... Views: 1614
Most of us know lucky people, those who seem to lived a charmed life. They may not even be all that smart, and yet they seem to almost stumble into good situations. Opportunities open up for them, things are "handed" to them. Perhaps they win in the stock market, find a dream job, or get married ... Views: 904
A bad credit rating is usually considered a problem, but is it always so? Are there circumstances where it can be beneficial?
Credit is a tool that has to be handled with wisdom to be of value. Being able to borrow money or get credit cards doesn't automatically make a person able to handle ... Views: 610
There are many creative problem solving techniques, and each will lead you to different kinds of solutions. One of the simplest, though, is the "add, subtract and change" technique. What follows is a basic explanation of how to use it to generate more creative solutions.
Whatever you are ... Views: 1218
What is real genius, and how do we cultivate it in ourselves? A common dictionary definition is, "Extraordinary intellectual power especially as manifested in creative activity." Some definitions refer to a high IQ as well, but that doesn't seem to be an important component. Both intellectual ... Views: 813
The roots of war? Perhaps they are many, but if we're talking about the killing of thousands, the bombing of countries and the large scale conflicts of the last five thousand years or so, one of the roots has to be our use of language. Here is an understanding of war you may not have heard ... Views: 875
Here is the quick lesson on how to be smarter: Do something that has been shown to improve brain function until doing so becomes a habit. Then do another thing that boosts brainpower until that is a habit. Then eat something that is good for the brain. Then eat another brain food. With enough of ... Views: 810
Do you want to be a mind reader? Well, lets get the disappointing part out of the way: You won't be able to hear the thoughts of others, and there is little evidence that anyone has ever had this kind of ability. Most of what passes as mind reading is a mix of nonsense and psychological tactics ... Views: 1227
What is thinking out of the box? It is getting outside the usual ways of looking at things (that's the box) to arrive at new and useful ideas. How do you do it? Here is one of the many ways.
How To Get Your Thinking Out Of The Box
One of the simplest techniques for "out of the box" thinking is ... Views: 951
You think it's time that you get a raise from your employer, but how do you go about it? Do it wrong and you may make things even worse. How do you do it right? Try the following five-step process.
1. Make sure you deserve the raise.
It may seem too obvious to say that you should do a good job ... Views: 667
You may have heard the expression, or even had the experience, but what is brain fog? It is that state of mind when you can't quite focus or think clearly. As for how to cure it, that depends on the cause. There are two basic kinds of causes.
Physical Causes Of Brain Fog
A lack of sleep can ... Views: 871
To be a deep thinker you simply have to get in the habit of asking deep questions about everything around you. What is a deep question? Let's look at a couple examples.
Suppose someone lies to you, and you simply explain it by saying, "He's a jerk!" That may be true, but it is shallow thinking. ... Views: 5633
If you are like most people, when you think about how to make money, you think about the specific jobs, businesses or schemes that will bring in the cash. But while there are many ways to make it, all these ways have their examples of success and failure. Why do some fail at the same things ... Views: 2374