The mail lenders are choosing to send your way is a unique way to gain perspective on how well your handling credit. The old school mail service continues to be utilized by companies to send bills, invoices, collection letters, offers and other business matters. Are you getting credit card offers? Are collection agencies asking for payment? The type of correspondences you are receiving by mail will tell a lot about how you handle finances.

Credit Card Offers
Once the Federal Reserve set stricter regulations regarding credit cards, less offers were being put out for new customers and cards. The slow down didn’t last long. The card providers are once again going after new customers. This time however, they are being a bit picky. The company’s main targets now are individuals with the highest credit scores. So, if your one of the individuals who is once again starting to receive low interest credit card offers, chances are your credit score is in great shape. The opposite also holds water. If you are not getting any credit card offers, your credit score may need some work.

Collection Agency Notices
Are you getting collection letters or past due notices in your mailbox? If so, I would guess collecting the mail isn’t something you look forward to. Chances are your credit is not very healthy. It may not be that your drowning in debt, but simply behind on a few payments due to lack of certain organizational skills. It may be worth considering automatic payment services to help you get organized. This will help you avoid making late payments and prevent the need for companies to send past due notices to you by mail.

Empty Mailbox
It’s not only important to take notice to what is showing up in your mailbox, but also be aware of what is not. Knowing when to expect credit card bills, bank statements and other financial mail to arriving at your door is something you should be aware of. Thieves are out there and go to great lengths to get what they want. It is possible for people to steal your identity by getting a hold of some of the financial papers that arrive by mail. Its important to take action ASAP, when you notice financial statements have not arrived when expected. Simply calling your account holders for status updates is a great way to stay on top of activity to any account.

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