Treating depression naturally.... One of the reasons people might prefer to deal with it this way is because they hate to take medication. Others may have tried this medication before and found it did not work or it had bad side effects. It is also a good idea to take natural things because then you know that any symptoms you have are caused by the illness and are not a side effect of something you are taking in the hope of shifting it. Some anti depressants can cause you to change your sleeping patterns and needs, make you hungry, cause palpitations, headaches, aches and pains and other things and you want to know whether or not the symptoms caused by the illness are actually disappearing.

Another reason people tend to shy away from the usual medication that you get through a chemist or pharmacist is because they can be addictive. It is possible to begin taking something, then have to increase the dose as you become used to it, and then before you know where you are you are taking huge doses of it just to real reasonably ok. But this can then lead to you getting ill from the large doses as well as finding it impossible to cut it down without feeling worse and you could end up in a vicious circle where you feel terrible due to your medication.

Natural things which can help people are exercise, vitamin B, St Johns Wort, meditation, yoga, talking to someone who really listens, fixing something that you are worried about or having a break from your normal routine. You can find more about this at and there are other articles there that also relate to all forms of well being whether it is emotional, mental or within relationships.

Treating depression naturally.

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Site which helps people regardint themselves, their problems, relationships and their general well being.