Relationships are like spring flowers, old ones die out and the new ones grow. But a few of them survive the harsh weather and see a new sun, every year. The modern day trend looks down upon being single. People are questioned about their gender preferences, their mental health and even their compatibility when they announce to be single. Even if they are happy with themselves, they opt to be in a relationship, purely to get over the peer pressure.

At such times, your own feelings can be confusing for you. You might be confused about what you feel for the person is real or not. These kinds of feelings lead to mental stress, physical ailments and adultery. To help you avoid such situations, we would like to give you a few tips on being in a healthy relationship. This relationship advice comes from the minds of many expert panelists who have reviewed the idea of random dating and created a plan for being in a healthy relationship.

Don’t feel pressured

Your reason for being with someone should not be peer pressure. This kind of discussion has a lot of repercussions on your health, mind and societal status. It is a behaviour that is considered a choice of a person with a shallow character. It is compared to someone opting for a temporary girlfriend just to show off their friends and then reclining in their den for the rest of the year. The best way to go about is to stand for your own decisions.

Choose the right partner

The best way to be in a happy and healthy relationship is to choose your partner wisely. That hot girl you liked from the bar, may not always be the right choice as she might not be as committed to you as you would be. A right partner is someone whose vide matches your. It may be as simple as grooving to your favourite track that can also be her favourite.

Take interest in learning about your partner

The best way to embrace your relationship is by taking a keen interest in your partner’s choices. These things will help you not only get closer to your partner but also learning something new about your own self. You may discover that your partner is, actually attending the pottery class you were intending to take for a year. This will make you try new things in life that you always wanted but with great company.

Do things together

The best way to know someone better and have a good time is to do thins together. Doing things together is a mutual decision of deciding upon an activity that both of you would like to do. It can be as simple as taking up a hobby class together or just taking a trip to a destination none of you have ever been to. It can also be as simple as watching your favourite show on Netflix and chilling in each others cosy company. You can also travel to beaches together for a relaxing vacation.

Have common friends

The best way to feel happy in a relationship is by doing things that both of you like with your best people. Every couple has a set of common friends. The role of common friends in a relationship is to help both of you feel good about each other and have a great time with people you both like. They can help you cease the fire and see the brighter side of your characters, ultimately making you fall in love with each other all over again.

With these simple tips, you will be able to be in a long-term healthy relationship without comprising on your happiness.

Author's Bio: 

I write on various niche like relationship tips, intimacy, travel and more. I enjoy reading articles of other authors during my leisure time.