There’s no beating around the bush here today, as I want to share three things you really will want to STOP doing, so that your business can move to the next level.
1. STOP doing everything yourself, and being a lone ranger.
2. STOP doing the things that don’t generate you an income.
3. STOP thinking that because you are brilliant at what you do, your business will be successful!
All too often we hear from business owners, whose lives and businesses are coming apart at the seams, because they don’t use the concepts mentioned above. I know that this may seem to be a chicken and egg situation, i.e. you can’t bring in another person to take away some of your non-essential work, because you need to make more money to be able to do this and vice versa.
But let’s take a positive approach. Rather than focus on the areas that you need to STOP doing, why don’t we have a look at what you can START doing.
Secret #1. Surround yourself with successful, positive, honest, can-do individuals.
As Mark Twain said:
“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that. The really great make you feel that you too can become great.”
Now let’s be honest here, this is NOT a new concept and every successful person I have spoken with or read about always speaks about the individuals who have had a positive impact on their businesses and lives. Whether it’s family, friends, colleagues or mentors, being surrounded by happy, positive people has a lot going for it!
As entrepreneurs our days can be pretty solitary, heads are down creating products, delivering services and results, and you are working in your business rather than on it. Not having the chance to brainstorm ideas with other people, or having someone to work through a particular issue or challenge, can be soul destroying at times. This is where a community is so important, not only for your sanity, but also for your growth and development.
The use of collective wisdom is so important, and it works! During our group ‘Get More Clients’ call, I opened the call up for clients to ask the group any questions they have about their business. What I loved about this process, after one particular client spoke about a challenge she was facing, was the range of possible solutions that came forward from those on the call. As we wrapped up this part of the call, this client was thrilled as she now had a number of different strategies she could look at putting in place that she hadn’t thought of before. It was great to hear the excitement in her voice.
Who is in your community? Do you have a group of individuals you meet with regularly for support and encouragement, or do you work with a mentor? You all know that I am passionate about having mentors as part of your business building strategy, and for me personally, the impact that my mentors have in my business is immeasurable in terms of growth and development. Next week I’m heading off next week to spend a day with my mentor and mastermind group in Chicago, and can’t wait to spend this time strategising and planning the next stages of my business. This type of investment, is invaluable to the growth of my business, and will flow on to my clients. I can’t wait to share with you the gems I learn.
Secret #2. Identify the profit making areas of your business and focus on these.
Often we spend more time working in our business rather than on it. With this step, it is time for you to step back and look at your business as a whole. This is most important when you find yourself stuck at a certain level of revenue and things don’t seem to being moving forward.
Be honest with yourself, have you become the speed bump in your business? When this happens it is time to start thinking, “Am I the person that really needs to XYZ?” [xyz being the many things you spend your time on each day that aren’t making profit].
For example, working recently with one of my 1:1 mentor clients, we spent the day going through her business; pulling it apart and re-grouping all of her ideas and products. As we were putting together her new plan, she suddenly felt overwhelmed by all the potential projects and products she could develop. It wasn’t until I asked: “Who on your team can you delegate some of the non-profit making activities too?” that she got her ‘ahh’ moment. She realised that by stepping aside, letting go of the need to control everything, and delegating some activities, she could focus on her passion and really move her business to the next level.
3. Remember, You are in the business of MARKETING!
Controversial I know, but if there is one thing that will make a difference to your bottom line it is when you realise that your business is that of MARKETING! I have worked with some amazingly talented, educated, and brilliant people over the years, who have fabulous reputations yet only mediocre businesses. I have worked with and watched other individuals who are good in everything they do and their businesses keep growing. What stands out is those in the second group GET that they are in the business of marketing, and they know that by focusing on their message and marketing to their target audience, they will achieve their sales. However, the first group often get stuck with working in their businesses that they don’t appreciate the importance of MARKETING until it is too late.
So what group are you in? Take a moment to share with us your thoughts...
With nearly two decades of business building experience, Deb has worked with entrepreneurs all over the world. Over the past few years, Deb has been specifically committed to working with woman entrepreneurs who want to take their business from ordinary to extraordinary. She does this by taking them through a step-by-step process that teaches them how they can consistently grow their business, whilst creating the lifestyle they want. Deb has been recorded as saying: "Your clients are your business. If you have the wrong clients, you have the wrong business. Having the right clients is having the right business."
Prior to founding, Deb worked with executives at some of Australia's largest corporations, coaching, training and developing senior managers through important leadership and business development challenges across a range of industries. Deb was a lecturer in the Faculty of Business at the University of Technology, Sydney and prior to this a serving member of the Royal Australian Air Force.
Because of her impressive track record of helping woman entrepreneurs grow their business, Deb is known as the Woman Entrepreneurs' Business Mentor. She is a highly sought-after business mentor, speaker and consultant. Her expertise as a business mentor is on display at Flying Solo, an online resource brimming with small business advice. Deb is regularly featured in Dynamic Business Magazine, NZ Small Business Magazine and NineMSN. She has also been awarded a Masters of Coaching Psychology and Human Resource Management from The University of Sydney.
Deb currently resides in Sydney, Australia with Michael, her husband, and their two beautiful girls, Laura and Giaan.
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