Have you ever gone into a home or office and you could feel the atmosphere? Sometimes, when there is conflict in the place, you will say… “wow”, you could cut the atmosphere with a knife, it is so heavy and dense!” Well truer words were never spoken so much! Why? Because everything is energy… thoughts, ideas, words, emotions. When the energy is off and conflicted your body can, indeed, “feel it”. This negative energy gets embedded in everything, the walls, the ceilings, the furnishings and becomes the consciousness of the place. Scary…isn’t it!

You absolutely know through your intuition and your common sense when something “feels” off. So what can you do about it? Well, in someone else’s space you can’t, except to be cognitive and aware of your surroundings at all times. And don’t allow yourself to take on the negative effects of the energy field and affect you! However, in your own space, home, office, vacation home, any place in which you are in charge, you can definitely do something about the consciousness and energy of how it “feels” for you.

There are several ways to do it! Both are equally effective. If you are in the redecorating mode and are planning on painting the walls, here is what you do!
Write on the walls in pencil in your own handwriting, setting your intentions for your space and place. If it is your office, your space of creating abundance, prosperity, affluence and influence, write words of business, money, referrals, clients, patients, business relationships, expansion, prosperity, wealth, sharing, abundance, and write your own words that support in manifesting your prosperity. You get the idea. Then paint your walls the beautiful colors that support you in your intentions and manifestations that you have written on the walls.

If your intentions are to create the space in your home as a nurturing sanctuary, then plan the words that you feel with do it for you. Before painting your walls, write with a pencil words such as peaceful, tranquil, safe, secure, nurturing, unconditionally loving, friendly…write all the words that you love. If your office is in your home, combine the words that support nurturing and prosperity for you. It works! You will feel the shift in consciousness and energy right away.

In my own Center, home, healing room, studio… every room, throughout both structures, are written beautiful words on all the walls. Underneath the paint, the consciousness of my specific intentions and words are infused on every wall. Everyone who visits me, “feels” the loving energy. They say to me… “why does it always “feel” so good here?”. It is simple my handwriting is on the walls…this is why it feels so good! The best part is the benefit to me. I love my home! My walls speak to me! My home feels wonderful all the time.

If you have already painted, then write the words energetically on your walls. This also works. Just imagine, if everyone did this. We could change the dynamics of consciousness on this planet if every building, structure and home of any kind were embedded with consciousness of unconditional love and words of wisdom. What a concept this would be…to make it a reality!!! We could change the “handwriting on the wall!”

Author's Bio: 

Sherry Anshara, Medical Intuitive, is Founder of the QuantumPathic Center of Consciousness, creator of the QuantumPathicR Energy Method and Founder/President of the Blended Healthcare Consortium in Scottsdale, AZ. Sherry is the author of The Age of Inheritance, the Activation of the 13 Chakras and The Point Is…Beyond Duality, and the CD Awakening the Diving Being Within You. Sherry Anshara hosts Conscious Healing radio show 5:00 PM PST live every Wednesday on Visit Sherry’s website at, email her at, or give her a call at 480 609-0874.