The human brain is made up of very many cells that are called neurons. These cells use electricity for purposes of communication among themselves. Because, they number billions, the combined effect of these neurons is sending signals at the same time produces very high amounts of electrical activities in the human brain.
This can only be detected using sensitive medical equipments, which measure the brain wave patterns over some certain areas of the scalp. ‘Brain wave patterns’ is a term that is most commonly used to refer to brain’s electrical activities because of its wave-like and cyclic nature.
To get the concept of brain-wave patterns clearly, it is important to understand the nature of frequencies that these wave patterns produce and the mental sate that is associated with them. After the brainwaves were discovered, scientists later discovered that the brain’s electrical activities can change depending on the activities that a person is undertaking.
For example, the brainwaves when a person is sleeping are quite different to those of a person who is fully awake. Over the past several years, highly sensitive equipments have made it almost possible to figure out which brainwaves are exactly present and what they signify on the person’s state of mind and health.
The different brain wave patterns are associated with certain mental states.
These brain wave patterns have frequency of between 12 Hz and 38Hz. They are associated with them mental state of being widely awake. This refers to the mental state in which most of the people are in especially during the daytime when engaged in activities such as walking. Although the mental state of being widely awake is in most cases uneventful, it is quite important.
It is important to note that in real life, most people lack the beta activity which may cause emotional or mental disorders such as insomnia or depression. The stimulation of beta activity may cause an improvement in concentration, attentiveness, energy levels and emotional stability.
These brain wave patterns have frequencies of between 8 and 12 Hz. The associated mental state is that of being relaxed and awake but not processing a lot of information. You are in the alpha sate state just before you sleep and immediately after waking up in the morning.
On closing your eyes, the brain begins producing more alpha waves automatically. Alpha is generally the goal of the meditators that are experienced. Because alpha is a seriously receptive and highly absorbent mental state, it can also be used for mental re-programming and effective self-hypnosis.
These brain wave patterns have frequency of between 3 Hz and 8Hz. It is associated with extreme relaxation and light sleep. It can be used self-programming and hypnosis by use of suggestions that are pre-recorded.
These brain wave patterns are the slowest, and they have frequency of between 0.2 and 3 Hz. They associated with deep and dreamless sleep. People Delta brain wave patterns have a body that is capable of healing itself and at the same time resetting the internal locks. In this state, you are completely unconscious, and you do not dream.
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