Acupuncture is a technique whereby inserting needles into specific points on the body will reduce pain and increase the body's own ability to heal itself. Much like several of the other alternative medicines, acupuncture has not been readily accepted in Western culture. It has only started to become more recognizable in the last three decades.
Acupuncture originated in China thousands of years ago. Acupuncture, much like many other Chinese medicines are based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM). TCM treats the body as a whole composed of several system functions. The organs are split into two systems called the yin, solid organs and the yang, hollow organs. The balance between these two systems is easily disturbed and can become blocked or stagnant causing disease. Qi, which is known as the bodies vital energy and blood flow through the body systems called meridians. Acupuncture points are positioned along the meridians of the body so when qi or blood becomes dormant acupuncture needling can release the stagnation and restore the body to balance.
Acupuncture is about balancing or returning the body's balance of qi. Therefore whenever there are signs of imbalance such as pain, aches, sickness, or injury, acupuncture is the prescribed treatment. Acupuncture treats a variety of diseases and disorders such as headaches, migraines, low back pain, whiplash, cold, flu, PMS, tendonitis, arthritis, etc.
A traditional acupuncturist uses four methods of diagnosis, inspection, auscultation and olfaction, inquiring, and palpation. Inspection examines the face and tongue. TCM believes that the tongue holds valuable clues to the imbalance throughout the body. The shape, size, tension, color and coating of the tongue all correspond to specific imbalances. Auscultation and olfaction refer to listening and smelling the body sounds and odors. Inquiring requires the acupuncturist to ask seven questions about the person’s symptomology. They include chills and fever, perspiration, appetite, thirst and taste, defecation and urination, pain, sleep, and menses and leucorrhea. Lastly palpation refers to the examination of the body for tenderness and of the pulse pressure on the radial pulses.
Once acupuncture has been recommended, the acupuncturist will determine which pressure points will be needled. The needles used by modern acupuncturists are disposable stainless steel usually with plastic or wound wire covering the upper third of the needle. This gives the acupuncturist something to hold onto while inserting the needle. The needles are inserted at the tender points where qi or blood are believed to be blocked at a depth of about 3-5mm. Patients who have experienced acupuncture describe a feeling of a twinge or pressure once the needle is inserted, as well as sensitivity in the area of the body where the needle has been inserted and immediate relief of the pain they were feeling. Sessions normally last 30 minutes and treatment frequency will be determined based on the condition being treated.
When looking for an acupuncture physician or facilities in your area make sure the physician is a doctor of acupuncture. Check the doctor’s credentials before starting treatment. If you don’t feel comfortable don’t hesitate to look for another physician.

Author's Bio: 

Graduated with a BA in exercise science and have worked in the medical field since. My focus is alternative medicine however all aspects of health interest me. Check out my health website!
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