Welcome to Creating Harmony’s note of indication for August 2016. As we move further through this re-structuring phase our intention in this Harmonising Times is to provide our readers, friends and everyone else with foresight as to the influences impacting all our lives. What you focus on in this cycle begins creating your legacy.

Why? Because there is greater clarity as to your direction – even if the details have yet to be clear! What it does mean though is each of us can act more as the leader of our own lives. Will obstacles still appear – yes, though look upon them as major opportunities for each of us to show our courage to seek further growth. So building higher from the foundations we have already established to Create our Life of Harmony.

Allow into the Light what you know about Yourself...

July had quite an intense feeling. Many long deeply held beliefs causing disruption as they came to the surface. Exhibited by sore hips, swollen wrists and ankles, frozen shoulders, lower back pain, throbbing headaches or simply unsettled digestive systems all symptoms of outmoded beliefs seeking release.

Patterns of behaviour which in essence we had forgotten about, even though present and guiding our lives. For this reason they were more challenging, requiring conscious action to move them on. For it meant leaving the protection of what we knew for the uncertainty of what is emerging.

This will become more so as we move deeper through this period of seeking to be whole – it finishes on 1st December. It will keep pressing us to shed old habits, beliefs, judgement, fear, doubt, wounds or simply hiding your True Self.

The more you are in balance within yourself, no longer following all the ego mind´s limitations and restrictions, the more you will be able to sidestep physical and emotional discomfort. As always it is our free will or choice as to if and when we do so.

More understanding and guidance on actions are available in my best-selling book 'The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony' – you can obtain a copy now visiting Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/b00reowcry

The paradox of August...

There are several phases which influence August´s energies. They are important because in the last few weeks of any phase its intensity often increases.

One phase which is drawing to a close is that created by Jupiter, urging each of us to grow and expand through setting out our big vision, whilst matching this with meaningful risk to reward. This paradox of creating our inspirational grand concept whilst also addressing the “how to” of the practical day to day continues until 9th September.

We are also drawing toward the end of another phase (26th September) encouraging us to involve ourselves more deeply in the exploration of transformation itself. Realising we do not know as much as we thought, so we can become better facilitators and partners.

Through this each of us will be able to identify further simple and elegant solutions that changes business or makes it possible to offer something that changes our relationship to evolution and growth.

Enabling each of us to achieve the desired result for ourselves and then moving to assist others. Meaning we provide a result, not simply relief – which is what almost all are seeking.

There is a particular age group, 50 to 54 that are going to be moving through a tremendous period of transition. For them there will be an intense seeking of relief, though resolution will only come from achieving closure of the wound or hurt.

If you would like help in achieving a result rather than just relief, then why not request a complimentary strategy session? After sending us your completed questionnaire we will review it and confirm your booking. My promise is that the focus will be on your result, there will be no sales talk during your session.

What is to be your legacy?

This new moon appearing on the 2nd has an accent on starting afresh. Yet in a way which will make you feel vibrant, energised and illuminated by what is inside you. It is a moon encouraging each of us to shine our light on our desires, and not being afraid to do so! And, to have fun!

Followed quickly by the 8th of the 8th. A moment when there is a window of light and opportunity for each of us to step up and into a new level and phase of our own evolution as we set the tone for a cycle which lasts until 2026.

A moment to decide for yourself who you are and what you will create in your life on Earth, to then focus on that legacy. Though be careful not be drawn or distracted by the energies of anything that is not in alignment with what you desire to create.

For a few days around the 8th you may feel this energy coursing through your body, intensifying any internal aggression, fear and anger. For others it may generate a sense of loss, confusion, anxiety as they no longer know their direction and purpose.

The weeks from 15th August to 20th September will assist us to come to a peaceful resolution with any loss, grief and or disillusionment we hold within us.

Turning the page on...

The full moon on the 18th will provide the moment to reflect on what is emerging. So take a few moments to rest and rejuvenate before the big eclipse cycle in September.

During the last week of August whilst you may feel hopeful and excited about what is unfolding, it is also a moment to reflect on your decisions and responses. For Mercury goes retrograde on the 30th.

Any Mercury retrograde encourages us to be introspective. Reflecting on your daily routine, your health and your ability to be of service. You are also obtaining a greater perspective on the last three months. Thereby enabling you to enter the coming period with a renewed focus.

Needing support?

To provide support you can attend an Awaken Transform Live event. Here you will discover what remains to be addressed and how to create a compelling life filled with joy and fulfilment.

The next one is in Portugal from 9/11th September, then at another wonderful country location in Roskilde, outside Copenhagen on 28/30th October.

For more details of that in Roskilde and to take advantage of the early booking special, contact Arne at: altlysnu@hotmail.com.

Further dates and locations to be confirmed. For full details on further events visit: our Forthcoming Events page. Or, if you would like to host an event near you, please email us at: support@creatingharmonyinyourlife.com.

Or, if you feel the need for deep intense one-on-one coaching why not visit Gregory at his home in Portugal? The retreat is for two people with four days of consecutive one-on-one coaching sessions, plus a further three days to allow for integration. If unable to visit Portugal, Skype or similar is possible. The shift over four consecutive days of coaching is immensely visible. More details are to be found at: http://www.creatingharmonyinyourlife.com/awaken-transform-live-events/


August is a 17 Universal month, triggering the number 8 of immortality, the master manifester. What you focus on this month with integrity leaves behind a legacy. To do so means you are clear about your direction, taking the reigns as a leader and visionary. Achieving that means putting aside any real or perceived authority over you so that you stand in your own power, no-one else´s.

Any obstacles that come your way are placed there to encourage your growth – and the courage you gain as a result of overcoming such challenges allows you to step into your magnificence.

Though you can only do the work that allows a beginning to occur or the next phase begin. Yes you can end confusion and disorientation in your personal and business life, what you cannot do is make the next phase begin.

We are still in a period of structural change, confusion and disorientation. There is and will be more loss, leading to more grief and disillusionment.

However, confusion and disorientation create new opportunities. Hence why your own vision will enable you to become clearer and oriented as to how you can serve first yourself, and then others.

It was reflecting on the exciting opportunities and sudden shifts in wealth, and relationships, triggered on 31st July that led me to write a major article for my blog on abundance. Entitled "Abundance, not for me?" (you can read it here: http://www.creatingharmonyinyourlife.com/abundance_not_for_me/) it provides my overview on how to connect to these opportunities.

Shamanics´ Events

The final Vision Quest for 2016 is planned from 22nd to 25th September. There will be a half day Introduction to Shamanic Journeying, on the morning of 22nd September followed in the afternoon by the next Vision Quest.

A copy of Shamanics in Portugal´s 'All About Fire' workbook will be provided to all who book (or you can download one now for free for becoming a valued subscriber to the 'Earth Spirit Journal': http://shamanicsinportugal.com/newsletter/shamanics-newsletter/).

29/30th October will be 'Discovering the Inner Realms...an Introduction to Shamanism'. This will introduce you to the shamanic experience of ritual, creating sacred space, journeying, meeting your guides, power animals and much more on our experiential journey together. It will provide you with powerful, effective tools to let you tap into the unseen world for insight and healing which requires no external authority, intermediary, or even beliefs.

A copy of our All About Air workbook will be provided to all who book.

In Summary

If there is any aspect in this months newsletter that you would like to learn more about, then please email us at: http://www.creatingharmonyinyourlife.com/contact/

We are halfway through the period in which each of us needs to come to know our true self.

Whilst clearing the decks continues, August offers us the opportunity to begin to create our legacy, rising up from the foundations we have established. This will enable us to begin to know the actions needed to create our dreams and desires.

  • review where you are and how your vision is forming;
  • take conscious, intentional action to address any old habits and beliefs;
  • maintain an inner state of balance;
  • reflect on your decisions and responses made during this cycle;
  • expect communication challenges as Mercury goes retrograde; and... have fun.

Until the new moon on 1st September, when there will also be a solar eclipse – meaning big shifts are coming!

Author's Bio: 

Gregory Reece-Smith is a transformation coach, author, public figure and founder of http://www.creatingharmonyinyourlife.com. Gregory's focus is on shifting the beliefs that limit individual’s lives and thus their world around them, including that of their organizations. Creating Harmony was founded to broaden the reach of this focus as real success only flows when beliefs no longer limit what is possible.

Gregory is an experienced transformation facilitator, both within organizations and with individuals. He conducts workshops at various locations around the world allowing participants to experience techniques to effect a shift and experience harmony. In December 2014 Divine Time Books published 'The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony'. This is available in both printed and electronic form from Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/dp/b00reowcry).

Whether helping an entrepreneur start to build his business or the chief executive of a large international one, Gregory has always been helping people to develop and grow, allowing them to understand the situation from ‘the outside in’ rather than necessarily the one they perceived from the inside out. Helping to shift their own views, building confidence so that they can take action to identify their own desires and start taking steps toward their achievement and so success.

Gregory states: "My passion is helping 'everyone' to do this, particularly those such as myself who focused on the desired achievement to the detriment of everything else! My purpose is not to help you to cope, rather helping you to transform your understanding and the way you view your life. Helping you to create harmony in your life. The Harmonising Times is published monthly to assist all in doing just that."

For more details about Gregory Reece-Smith's Awaken Transform Live events please visit: http://www.creatingharmonyinyourlife.com/category/events/

For details about future events to be held in central Portugal with Shamanics in Portugal: http://shamanicsinportugal.com/

For more about how Gregory Reece-Smith can help you get your business objectives clarified: http://www.gregoryreecesmith.com/