Of all parts of the upper body, the chest is the only place that everyone wants to build. I can’t say why this part of the body is so special, but what I can do say is that ladies will drool just at the sight of a well built chest – it rings comfort and manliness in their ears, and not to mention sexiness. The chest sets off a man’s ego; I guess that’s why they flaunt it by wearing tight-fitted shirts.

A lot of bodybuilders and even non- bodybuilders want to build their chest, but only few of them know how to go about it. This is because only few people know the secret behind how the muscles react to intensity from workouts, and this knowledge is what I am about sharing with you in this article.

The Muscle is a fiber surrounded by a liquid and made up of meat. The liquid surrounding the meat is made of three substances, and they are the creatine, the glycogen, and the mitochondria apparatus. These liquids serve as fuel for the meat, and they all add to the size of the muscle, and the truth is, it is actually very easy to boost their growth.

To build the chest, you have to train all the elements that add to the size of the chest muscles, which are the fibers and the energy substrates (creatine, Glycogen, and the mitochondria). Building the elements that make up the chest muscles will dramatically boost the size of the chest. Building only one or two of them will make you miss out on the mass and size gains that would otherwise have been available to you.

To build these three elements, there are only three steps and these same steps apply to building the muscles, on any other part of the body, and here they are.

Step one – the first step is to create enough intensity that will get your muscle into a state where all the fuel in the liquid is expended – a state where the muscle is under fueled.

Step two – your duty at this point is to make sure a “healthy” damage is inflicted on the muscle – making sure it results in a micro trauma.

Step three – allow the muscle to recover and build itself against the damage it just suffered from. For the muscles to prevent such damage from happening in the future, it does only one thing which is to build itself to be bigger and stronger.

There is a fine line between under training, and over training, while the former will earn you nothing, the later will earn you nothing and something much worse. Take note of this, If you resume training again before the chest muscles have recovered, you get overtraining, and If you resume training when the recovery is finished, but build-up has not yet started, you don’t gain anything; however, if you resume training before build up is complete, you won’t gain everything that you can and should.

To build chest muscles fast, you have to allow your recovery and build-up phases to run their course. This way you will grow your chest to be stronger and ready for progressive intensity during workout. This is why you need enough rest. If you continue like this, you will get a visible result in less than 9 week.

You have to come up with exercises that will train each of your pecs, you can train them by manipulating sets, reps, density, rest periods and tempo of reps. Make sure you allow sufficient time to elapse before you resume the next training.

If you follow the above directions, you will build your chest muscles faster with impressive results. Wish you the best of lucks.

Author's Bio: 

James G Perkins is the Owner of www.strictlybodybuilding.net. A resource website where he shares his secret of weight lifting exercises. You can download his free eBook on where he talks about the best bodybuilding diets that works.