After a day of hard work. You may need to calm your body to get through the rest of the day. Back pain is a common problem that you might experience when you're sitting almost all the time on your chair.

So well as taking years out of your life, a typical sedentary lifestyle reduces men in their prime to pain-ridden wrecks that are 50 years old every time they attempt to get out of a chair.

"The result of sitting in this bent pose all day is muscle tightening," says PT Phil Sims. This tightness puts the muscle under pressure, and jumping up for the tea round will bring the pain from the shoulder blades to the back. However, if left unchecked, this tightness may also lead to exhaustion, as muscles start to get sore and painful if you try to remove your desk.

Luckily, Sims mentioned the best calming exercise you're going to have to say goodbye to back pain. Both movements add strength to your pelvis by loosening your lower back and relaxing your hip flexors, providing greater relief than just picking up paracetamol. Set aside six minutes of guaranteed success each evening.

1) Downward dog stretch

Sets: 1

Reps: 2 mins

Rest: n/a

Start on your hands and knees, then push your hips up towards the ceiling. Straighten your arms and draw your shoulder blades in, pushing your feet against the floor.

2) Hip flexor stretch

Sets: 2

Reps: 60 secs each side

Rest: n/a

From your knees, place one foot forward in front of you. Keeping your back upright and foot planted, lean forward through your hips to stretch the front of your rear leg. Repeat with the opposite side.

3) Glute stretch

Sets: 2

Reps: 60 secs each side

Rest: n/a

Lie on your back with your knees bent. Lift one ankle up and rest it across the opposite knee. Reach underneath the lower leg and pull up towards your chest. Repeat with the opposite leg.

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Health and Wellness dedicated to helping every patient develop their body and mental strength.

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