Problem snoring is one of the most common medical symptoms in the world. It's estimated that nearly half of the male population and nearly a third of the world's female population snore at night. Given the prevalence of nightly snoring it's no surprise that snoring can become a source of stress in your marriage.

Snoring is caused by the vibrations of the soft muscle tissue in your airway when this tissue relaxes along with the rest of your body in your sleep. Other factors contribute to the degree, and frequency of snoring including whether or not you are obese, if you have any nasal obstructions, or if you have abused alcohol or other drugs. If you wish to stop snoring it is highly advisable you stick to a proper diet, and avoid alcohol as well as illegal drugs.

Unfortunately with so many factors involved and the fact that snoring occurs internally it might appear to some that it is difficult to treat. Fortunately, learning how to stop snoring is an option for everyone.

Outside of having negative consequences for the sufferer, the individuals spouse will also likely experience a lack of restful sleep due to excessive noise. A lack of restful sleep can contribute to daytime irritability, depression, and a lack of overall understanding.

Many times an estranged partner will sleep in another part of the house to avoid the snoring noise. Sometimes this arrangement works, but it can damaging to the level of intimacy between the two partners and ultimately the relationship. Furthermore, lack of restful sleep contributing to daytime tiredness and depression from the inability to stop snoring can lead to a decrease in libido.

Snoring is often perceived as an embarrassing problem and many individuals refuse to seek treatment. Snoring is not just a nighttime bother. It is indicative of obstructive sleep apnea, as well as a host of other physical conditions. On top of that your mental health and your relationship can also suffer due to this very treatable condition.

Please do not hesitate to seek out a solution and stop snoring as soon as possible, the quality of your relationship may depend on it.

Author's Bio: 

Jeff Graham is a health writer who seeks to educate the public about the severity of nightly snoring, and provide information about the best stop snoring products. You can read more articles like this one at,