Self Esteem is one of the fundamental ways in which we gauge and value ourselves and decides how we live our lives and interact with other people. It is an underlying part of our every decision, feeling and response and the level of our self esteem affects how we live and what we strive for, which in turn contributes to our overall satisfaction andhappiness in life.

Having a good level of self esteem enables you to form healthy relationships and to treat others with fairness and respect.

We tend to accept the things that fit in with our way of thinking and ignore those that do not. This is fine in a positive scenario, but can be both limiting and damaging, if the influence is a negative one. If you constantly doubt and measure yourself badly against others, you will not feel good. Also, if you put other people down all the time, finding fault in their beliefs or behaviour, it shows that you are very far from liking yourself - It can be a way for the mind to ignore the fact that your own behaviour is similarly bad.

Many of us look to others, to tell us that we're doing ok and don't value or believe in our own judgements. Imagine then how empowering it would be, to not base your self opinion upon that of others, but instead to have the self confidence to make decisions and move forward freely in your life, without the constant need for approbation.

So, once you recognise the importance and value of having good self esteem, you can do something about changing it and one of the best ways to improve how we feel about ourselves, is through self education. To do this, you first have to be able to trust and value your own abilities and having achieved that, no one else will be able to make you feel that your decisions and feelings are wrong, or inferior to theirs.

If you can think and imagine what it would be like to appreciate and like yourself, then you can do it. Take control of your own life, thoughts and feelings, and you will find yourself empowered and able to face and even benefit from, situations, decisions and people that you may have previously avoided.

What can you do?

As with every journey, self help begins with one step. All you have to do is to want to change and there is an easy way to begin to build your self esteem and confidence, just follow this method,

Every night for 10 days, write for at least five minutes, a list ofthings that you have achieved in your life to date. You can start with some of the smallest and oldest of your achievements, from learning to count or tie your shoelaces, to bigger more recent things, such as a time when you managed to do something that you had thought impossible; run a mile, drive a car or motorbike, even baking a cake that was edible!

By the time you get to the end of the ten days, you should have an eclectic list of achievements, things that you have managed to do.

Study your list and be pleased with yourself. Then, for the next ten days, write down a minimum of two things that you like about yourself; perhaps you are quick to offer help to others, or are conscientious in your work, anything that you can think of really.

Again, by the end of the ten days, you will have another list. Study them both and realise that you are in fact a good person, who is able to achieve things.

Then, try and write down something new that could be added to either list, every day. By combining these three things and reading them back to yourself, you will begin to feel more positive about yourself, able and even assertive in your everyday life.

More information

Thanks for reading and I hope you have found this to be of use. If you would like more information about personal development, please have a look at my business site

Author's Bio: 

Before starting my own business, I worked for 14 years in the corporate world and am the proud father of two girls.

I am a Practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy™ and Hypnosis, working in the field of personal development, coaching others to realise their full potential.

Also, I am the published author of a rock n roll type book, yeah baby, available from amazon and everywhere else, and am also a successful internet marketing mentor and coach, being a founder member of The Six Figure Mentors business community.

To find out more about what I do, how I can help you and to see the personal development resources that I have available, please visit my business site, through the link listed above.

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