It is time to begin enjoying the Reformation that has been released within the body of Christ. An insightful and interesting Christian blog provides insight into this transforming power that is sweeping the body of Christ. Learn more about the insight that is being released from the heart of the pastor. The insightful, humorous, and challenging posts are inspiring believers everywhere to hear the voice of God in this season.

The voice of God is alive and active and has a reformative power that has been released throughout the body of Christ. Read a Christian article that provides insight into this Reformation. All of the earth is groaning and awaiting the manifestation of the sons of God. It is time to experience the awesome power that has been provided through Jesus Christ. The Reformation Christian blog provides insight into the end time church. It is time to move into a new position of unity and oneness as a body. Sitting with an empty mind in a sermon and then searching the Internet for some interesting truth is nonsense. The writer of the pastors blog provides insight into the endless stream of knowledge that is being gained by the majority of the body of Christ without any evidence of Reformation and transformation. The voice of God always brings Reformation and Reformation always brings transformation: transformation of mindsets, transformation of behavior patterns, transformation of physical conditions, and a myriad of other transformative impacts result from true Reformation.

It is time for the body of Christ to step out of the box of intellectualism and into a true relationship with Christ. It is only through a genuine and true relationship, that you will come into contact with how wide and how deep the love of God is for you. It is only through a revelation of God's love that you will be impacted by the reformative and transformative power of Jesus Christ. It is time for believers to begin experiencing a faith filled walk with God. It is time out for thousands of teachers and little to no growth being seen within the body of Christ. If you are a believer who is ready for transformation in your mindsets, which will result in transformation in your life, then you will enjoy this Christian blog series on Reformation. The Reformation Christian blog posts are impacting believers and assisting them in breaking free from prison mindsets. A prison mindset is a mindset that holds Christians in bondage. The prison doors have been swung open by Jesus Christ, yet many Christians sit forlorn and forsaken in a prison mindset. This unique Christian article will assist you in breaking free from all mindsets and will assist you in stepping into a love relationship with Jesus Christ. A genuine true love relationship will break you free from bondage. The shepherd’s heart is to search out the one lost sheep. Perhaps you have been lost and have felt forsaken; you are not forsaken. God has sent out an advocate to assist you in breaking free and getting back on track. The pastors blog will assist you in getting back into the freedom and security provided within the body of Christ.

There are true boundaries that enfold the body of Christ, bringing divine protection, supernatural provision, and miraculous healing and health. Psalms 91 speaks of this divine protection. It is only within the shepherds fold that the sheep will experience this divine protection. It is time to observe the end times with the security and knowledge that you are wrapped in the arms of the shepherd. True Reformation will bring a transformation to mindsets that may have kept you separated from the body of Christ, or sitting in weekly sermons without experiencing application. The pastor blog provides ongoing grace blogs that empower the believer to receive the grace and love of God. It is not by works that we receive the promises of God. It is by the grace of God, through faith that we receive the wondrous promises of divine protection, stability, health, and wholeness. Enjoy reading a Christian article today on the Reformation of the body of Christ.

Author's Bio: is an excellent source for Christian blogs and is designed to encourage pastors, church leaders, and all believers to continue fighting for the cause of their Faith. Author Bump Lumpkin delivers a fresh perspective through his creative use of the Christian blog.