Losing weight can be very difficult especially for those who are morbidly obese. Studies proved that people who are overweight are more prone to sickness and are likely to acquire ailments like diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases. There are times when dieting and exercise no longer work. In cases like this, the only option left is to undergo gastric weight loss surgery to get rid of excess pounds.

What is gastric weight loss surgery?
This form of surgery is common as it is widely practiced in all parts of the world. This surgery reduces the size of the stomach for up to 90%. The gastric weight loss surgery makes it possible for patients to eat less without feeling hungry. As the stomach stretches to make room for food, nerve cells send signals to the brain telling it’s already full despite the small serving you feed your self with.

Advantages of gastric weight loss surgery
• Because of the gastric weight loss surgery, there is a loss of high blood pressure. Excess fats are removed and patients are encouraged to eat nutritious foods that can provide essential nutrients to the body, though in small portions.

• There is also a loss in high cholesterol levels. Patients now develop a normal cholesterol level in two to three months after the gastric weight loss surgery. The risks of acquiring heart diseases are now reduced as cholesterol level decreases.

• Respiratory insufficiency is now minimized. Patients that undergo the gastric weight loss surgery reportedly encounter less respiratory problems like asthma. Obese individuals who often have difficulty in breathing can now do so normally with the absence of fats.

Disadvantages of gastric weight loss surgery
• There is an obstruction of the stomach outlet. You must properly chew everything that you eat. Foods that you swallow must be less the size of your pinky finger. Anything bigger than that can get stuck.

• Gastric weight loss surgery patients are also prone to infection. Incisions are made in the abdomen and bacteria may spread. It can also result to kidney and bladder infection and sepsis which can be treated with antibiotics right after surgery.

• There will be mineral and vitamin deficiency due to the fact that you only eat small amount of food, thus giving you less nutrients. Protein deficiency will also be experienced. The technique is to eat small portions of foods that can provide the important nutrients your body needs.

• When you undergo this weight loss surgery, you are prone to hemorrhage. There are many blood vessels that need to be cut that there is great loss of blood. In some cases, a blood transfusion is necessary.

• Hernia is likely to develop especially if the wounds fail to healcompletely within a specific period of time. You will have to undergo another operation to have it removed.

Gastric weight loss surgery is effective in fighting obesity. However, there are so many things at stake during this operation, including your life. Think it over and weigh your options well before getting into this major weight loss surgery.

Author's Bio: 

Neelima Reddy is an author and publisher of many health related websites. For more information on different surgery methods and steps to be followed after the surgery, visit his website: Weight Loss Surgery