In Feng Shui, your relationship to your home and the objects in your home is vital in creating a nurturing and supportive environment. And your relationship with your environment is determined, in a large part, by how and where you place the items you have.

Positioning relates to how much time you spend in a given space, and how you feel about the space you are in. The three most important areas in your home with relation to positioning are:

  • position of the front door
  • placement of your bed,
  • placement of your desk

When evaluating the front door, pay special attention to the condition the door is in. Can you open the door fully? Is the entrance area well maintained? Clean? Well lit? Is the door easy to open? The front door is the key; the opening to all life has to offer. Its appearance and functionality are paramount in importance.

How are your furnishings positioned?

Arrange your bed or desk with a wall behind you so you face into the room or office. Your position should provide a full view of the room and the door into the room.

When your view is expansive, so are your opportunities!

To determine placement of a bed or desk, picture yourself standing in the doorway, facing into the room. You will be standing in the middle of the entry wall or off to the left or right of center. In an office, position your desk so you are facing into the room supported by a solid wall behind you. It’s best if you are not in alignment with the door itself, but slightly off to one side or the other.

Placement of the bed holds the key to successful rest, rejuvenation, and restoration as well as symbolic representation of a solid foundation in life. The optimal placement for the master bedroom is in either the Abundance or Relationship areas of the home as these corners are the ‘power’ corners of the home. (To find out more about the Bagua areas, click here for a FREE Bagua Map.)

When placing your bed, try to position yourself toward the back right part of your room. Try not to align your bed so you’re directly in front of the door, or even overlapping the door. The energy coming through the door can be disruptive to your sleep and creates a sense of discomfort, even if only subconsciously. If the configuration of your room is such that your bed can only be placed in the path of the door, create a sense of interest and distraction by the addition of a beautiful rug, side table or plant between the door and the bed. Anything that catches your eye will also catch and slow energy.

Living room furniture should open toward you as you enter the room, almost as though it’s reaching out to give you a hug. Try not to position the sofa so it blocks entry into the room, or has its back facing the entry. When in this position, the sofa stops you from entering the room, blocking the energy in much the same manner as a wall does.

The best positioning follows these guidelines:

  • Have a solid wall behind you for support.
  • Position yourself so you are able to see the entrance to the room you are in.
  • Do not position yourself so you are in direct alignment with the door into the room or space. (Direct alignment is not to be confused with positioning on the wall opposite the door wall. Direct alignment is being directly in front of the door itself, not opposite it.)
  • Sit facing the door. Never have your back to the door; it’s hard to be an active part of the environment when you are physically turned away from it.
  • Ideally your bed should be positioned so that you are not in direct line with the door into your room or a bathroom door.
  • If your bed must be positioned with the head against a window, it is important that you use a solid headboard to strengthen your position and provide support.
  • Also, close the curtains or blinds at night to create the impression of a solid wall behind you.
  • Be sure to use nightstands or tables on both sides of your bed to encourage balance in relationships.
  • Sit with a solid wall behind you, (not a window). If you must position your desk where there is a window behind you, be sure to strengthen your position by placing a credenza or other large object between the desk and the window behind you.
  • Position your desk with more space in front of you than behind you.

Following these simple steps will help you turn your house into a home, a home that welcomes you with comfort and warmth.

Author's Bio: 

Feng Shui Teacher and Entrepreneur Laurie Bornstein, "The Feng Shui Marketing Queen" is the author and creator of ‘Feng Shui Lifestyle’, her FREE monthly ezine filled with articles and tips on how to live and work in balance, visit to learn more.