Have you pictured yourself a go-to guest expert on TV or sharing your expertise to live audiences? Do you watch news segments with interviews on current topics and say, “Heck, I can do that!” Ever sit in an audience at an event and wish you could grab that microphone next?

Guest appearances and stage presentations are to excellent ways to elevate your brand, increasing recognition and trust thus creating the possibilities for increased revenue for your business!

So, how do you get in that seat or on that stage? Even if you have a publicist working for you, wouldn’t it feel great to know a formula for your pitch that you can count on at any time? After all, you never know when you meet someone of influence and have the opportunity to pitch yourself right then and there!

Here’s a simple four-step formula to creating a perfect pitch when you are answering a request for a guest expert or stage presenter. Let them know you are the superstar they are looking for:

S. Source of Passion: Share why you are particularly driven to share your particular message. What is the heart of your story? Example: Did a near-death experience trigger a passion for health and wellness?

T. Timing: Why now? What is the relevance of your topic of expertise and the current events of the day? This is where facts and figures can be helpful!

A.Authenticity: What can you solve for this audience like no one else can because of your experiences and collected wisdom?

R. Refine it! Every word counts. Be succinct and check grammar and spelling. Realize the decision makers are busy and they most likely have many choices to weed through, so get to the point. Be very clear and positive.

Once your brand is elevated, you can begin to entertain new possibilities of revenue streams, books, courses, products, etc. Exposure like this can set a fire under your business as long as you pitch well, and then deliver once you get the opportunity. Make sure you have prepared and trained as well as possible so that you can leverage each and every bit of exposure!

Author's Bio: 

As founder and owner of “Charisma on Camera” Media Training Studio and On-Camera Consulting, Sandra Dee Robinson helps professionals from all walks of life unleash their “on-camera charisma” by showing them how to authentically share their unique message which can lead to increased recognition and income. Sandra’s expertise has benefited authors, life coaches, politicians, actors, and business professionals in many areas such as preparing for media opportunities, selling products on QVC or prepping for a DVD product shoot. Sandra Dee Robinson is a also TV host, product spokesperson and an actor who has appeared in major roles on Another World, Sunset Beach, Bold and the Beautiful, General Hospital, Days of Our Lives, and guest starred on Two and a Half Men, Criminal Minds, Secret Life of an American Teenager, and TV movies.