We all want to have our own unique careers. When we were still very young, our teachers in primary school would, at least once, ask us what we want to become in the future. Many varied answers come up but the most common ones are becoming lawyers, doctors, teachers, engineers, and others. However, it may be safe to say that nobody would ever say at that young age that they want to become parents or take parenting as a career in the future.

Today, we know of career-oriented parents who work day and night to earn a living and provide their families the ideal life. And there are also those parents, especially mothers, who would rather skip the office and clerical job and prefer to stay at home and look after their children’s needs. Though some people think this is a career in itself, there are still those who think this should only be a part time thing. Here is what parenting blog thinks.

Practical parenting is a job that deserves respect and appreciation. It is not an easy task to be looking after all the needs of the family. No parenting advice can ever fully and entirely teach a parent the ways to being one. It is something that is learned everyday with magazines, experiences of others, and one’s own experiences. Women who prefer to be housewives have on their shoulders the most challenging yet rewarding job.

However, mothers should not let themselves become too preoccupied with just their family’s needs. They have to keep themselves knowledgeable and so they have to keep themselves busy by reading, researching, and other stuff that keep their intellectual capabilities in check. A smart parenting tip is to believe that parenting does not involve the whole household. Instead, it is about teaching the children and the spouse to also do their share in the chores around the house.

There are people who think that parenting is not a very glamorous job that it is only for those people who cannot make it to the corporate world. However, Professor Matt Sanders of the University of Queensland thinks that parenting is a very important role.

"Despite the downside and the stressful aspect of raising children most people begin their parenting careers optimistically. Sometimes they're not too attuned to exactly what it is they're going to encounter or the costs of doing so. But, there's one thing that is absolutely clear - that the parenting role is such an important role,” he said.

Parenting plays a huge part in the development of the child.

“It can be from the rate at which children acquire language, parental actions influence a child's role model choices etc,” he added.
With this, a question remains. That is how and where parents acquire their skills at parenting. According to Professor Sanders, “there has never been more information available on parenting, some of it is conflicting, some of it is confusing, some of it is contradictory. A lot of parents learn about parenting from how they were 'parented' themselves.”

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Parenting Blog provides helpful parenting tips and information for pregnant women on how to stay healthy during Pregnancy. Let our articles answer all your questions and guide you through taking care of yourself and your baby.