You’re sitting in your garden appreciating the beautiful trees, fauna and flowers all around you and you’re feeling very good. The sun was low on the horizon and a loving breeze enveloped you. Suddenly, without warning, you’re aware that you’re still to meet and connect with your soul mate.

You believe and feel that, due to all the work you’ve done on yourself in the areas of ego awareness and self love, that a meeting with your other is imminent; but a moment’s sadness overcomes you as you once again noticed the absence of that relationship.

A brief feeling of impatience and mild frustration are there. How easy it is for you to momentarily lose your balance. And then, in that moment, you remember the things of which you often remind others: thought comes first before its expression becomes manifest in physical reality.

And that the physical reality all around you, the reflection of the universal mirror can only change once you change. You know that what’s in front of your eyes is there due to your thinking and the only way to change that reflection is by changing your thinking and point of focus.

And then, again, you remember that once you’ve really changed your thinking, there will be a time delay before the reflection you’re getting changes completely. You realize that the time delay is there to give you another opportunity to decide and to choose the reality you really want.

Having remembered this now, you choose to ignore the fact and the reality before your eyes that you’re alone. Instead, you choose to only focus on the wanted reality in your imagination. I know that you know that the more you focus on and pay attention to what’s wanted; the sooner it will manifest and BE your physical reality.

Sitting at your patio table, you look around at your lovely garden, with its bird and insect sounds and you watch and listen, absent any thought. You pay attention to what’s in front of you, you appreciate that and you love that because it’s what’s wanted in your experience.

And as you relax even more, I feel your vibration rising to an even higher frequency, closer to mine. In your imagination you become aware of your soul mate sitting opposite you. You notice her radiant and lovely smile, you appreciate her and you feel your love for her and it feels good.

In your mind’s eye you begin talking with your lover, sweet nothings. You listen as your soul mate whispers soft nurturing words to you and you feel good. You’re aware that love doesn’t require many words for the realization and knowing of itself; although you know that love responds well to appreciation.

You sit there in an almost meditative state for an unknown time. Time of the clock isn’t important to you and chronological time no longer runs your life. The only time which has relevance for you, is the present time, right now. For you know that now is always the place to meet love and not in the past or future, which are abstractions of your mind.

At some point you notice feelings of hunger and you just know that the time for food is now. You use the clock on your cell phone to track restaurant opening times and you might call to order food, but you no longer allow the clock to tell you when you’re hungry and when you need to eat.

As you awake I am there. I am always there with you as your constant companion. Only now you’re beginning to realize and acknowledge me. For my existence is only in this moment and not in any non-moment conceptualized by the part of you which lives in fear and which believes in its own permanence.

You lay there in gratitude, giving thanks for the reality all around you. Appreciation always brings you closer to me. You’re glad you know this because you always feel good when you’re near to me. Through your body, you feel the sheets and pillows and give thanks. You wonder at the sense of light emanating from outside your window, chasing away darkness, and you praise it and its source.

You’re eager and excited to see what the new day brings. I am excited also, for excitement is what we are, you and I. Childlike in your happiness and innocent carefree joy, you smell the eggs and coffee as if for the first time, as indeed it is. The all is forever changing and being is forever renewed.

Memories of past actions and experiences can only taint the new, they have nothing to add. The new is every moment it is the every now, experienced anew eternally, forever more.

You savor every bite and every liquid that passes over your tongue, as it savors you. You notice your cell phone chirping as you enjoy your meal. You let it chime repeatedly and remain unflustered by another’s un-synchronicity. You’re no longer concerned or afraid of missing or of missing out.

You reason that time and timing all happen in good time. And that when another’s timing is off, they’re unbalanced. You offer no resistance nor add to their pain and receive none in return.

Initially you felt her strong hands on your back as she massaged you. After a short while, hands and back were no more because the censor was silent, so labels were no longer used. Awareness of focused consciousness was there, not as something separate from you, it was you.

Awareness consisted of the now moment, another of my many names. Now is always there as its nature is eternal, just like your essence; it’s who you really are. Past and future are dead things devoid of any power; just like the memories which so many cling to, believing they’re real.

In your unconscious forgetfulness you create time. Former resistance and disallowing of me caused pain and suffering to linger, energetically, in your past memories; non-realities existing only in the unreal time of your own creation. The trapped pain expresses itself through your body, seeking exit and balance.

Some time ago, you discovered that awareness of your pain and acknowledging it, thanking it and loving it IS the releasing of it. And you know that deep tissue massage, together with focused present awareness is one key to returning to the state of well-being.

I noticed when you silently thanked those who came before you for making your now reality; the simple act of sitting in a restaurant eating a tasty meal, a possibility. Your appreciation is always welcomed, for without the imagination of those other aspects of you; you’d be sitting on the bare earth, eating with your hands, still.

You verbally thanked the waitress for serving your meal. And you showed your gratitude with an offering of the token of money, used for this purpose. You’d long before realized that the money tool works flawlessly when using the principle of flowing in and out, in and out; just like your breath.

Later, you met with another. Word symbols were exchanged and healing laughter served you both well. In a moment of forgetfulness the other began speaking of their pain. You looked them in the eye, leaned closer and raised your voice slightly, saying “You Love It!” That tickled and excited me.

Laughter returned the other to a place of balance, harmony and synchronicity; releasing and healing took place once more. You knew that laughter, fun and lightening up IS enlightenment :)

You’re sitting in your garden appreciating the beautiful trees, fauna and flowers all around you and you’re feeling very good. The sun was low on the horizon and a loving breeze enveloped you...

Author's Bio: 

If what you just read resonates with you and you’d like more information, please visit Eddie’s self help website: for solutions to challenges and answers to questions you may have. Or contact Eddie directly at:

Eddie lives on Koh Samui, a tropical island in the South of Thailand. His MO is: helping people to re-mind themselves to re-member and be who they really are! :)