Although there is no cure of MS, research is ongoing to develop treatments that might better prevent or limit the damage, symptoms and disability caused by the disease . Doctors now have a much better understanding of MS.

These advances have led to new approaches for treatment that can help to modify the course of the disease.

Treatment of Relapses:

Corticosteroids: These are used over very short time periods to treat inflammation and reduce the duration/severity of relapses. They are the most common therapyused to treat relapses in people. Corticosteroids are usually given intravenously over 3-5 days or orally (in tablet form).

Modifying the Course of the Disease:

Certain drugs can modify the course of MS by delaying relapses or reducing the severity of a relapses or slowing disease progression . These therapies are:

  • Interferon beta:
    Interferons are a family of proteins that are present naturally in the body. They help fight viral infection and regulate the body’s immune system. Treatment with interferon beta has been shown to reduce the risk of relapses in patients who have relapsing forms of MS. It also slows down the progression of disability in such patients. The exact mechanism by which interferon beta helps MS is still being elucidated more precisely. However, it may work by decreasing the body’s unwanted immune reaction against myelin( protective sheath around nerves). Depending on the type of interferon beta used, they differ in their dose, route (intramuscular/subcutaneous) and frequency of administration.
  • Glatiramer Acetate:
    Glatiramer acetate is a protein that is thought to modify the immune processes responsible for MS. Its effectiveness has been seen in reducing the number of relapses in patients with RRMS ( Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis).Glatiramer acetate is approved for the treatment of RRMS and is given by a daily subcutaneous injection.

Treatment of Progressive Forms of MS:

There are fewer proven Multiple Sclerosis Treatment . Short courses of corticosteroids have not been shown to be effective . Same interferon have been shown to be effective for treating different stages of (Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis) SPMS.

It is recommended that a person should consider if it is appropriate to start treatment with one of the approved “disease-modifying” drugs as soon as possible following a definite diagnosis of MS. In addition to drugs that may modify disease course, there are many therapies that maybe used to manage symptoms such as spasticity, pain, bladder problems, fatigue, sexual dysfunction, weakness, and cognitive problems. People should consult a knowledgeable physician to develop a comprehensive approach to managing their MS.

Author's Bio: 

Anju Arora is an avid writer, reader and an 'aesthete'. A digital media marketing enthusiast with prolong experience and understanding of marketing brands online related to health i.e. what is ms.