Article Title: "Money Doesn't Grow on Trees"
Author: Craig Lock
Category/Subject: Money, Finance, Personal Finance, Money Management
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(Personal growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, spiritual, 'spiritual writings' (how 'airey-fairey'), words of inspiration and money management, how boring now, craig)

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"We share what we know, so that you and your money may grow."



"Money isn't everything - but a lack of it is."

"Money is a terrible master, but an excellent servant."
- PT Barnum (American circus showman)

"Money can't buy you happiness. But it helps you to be miserable in comfort."
- Woody Allen (I think)


These thoughts are extracted from Oprah Winfrey's fine show. which I watch regularly (enough free advertising for her – she doesn't need it!). I've written this piece in point form for brevity.

craig 1994

* Like it or not, money makes the world go round. Plan for the future. Service a business. House trading is good in a recession. Be financially cautious. Buy for investment and not personal happiness. You will be taxed, if you trade too
frequently. Think ahead. Don't invest money that you can't afford to lose.

Ask yourself WHAT you really want? Then sketch a path to take you there. Phantasize what you'd like to be doing in ten years time. Require education capital. Put on a wall chart. Also what do you want for the rest of your family? Ask yourself: How does your family's present life prepare them for what you want?

What can you change to make your life better (especially in the area of finances)?... everthing. Oh “dearie me”!

5 ways of protecting the family: Make a vow to stop criticizing yourself. Begin to learn to like yourself. When we change our thinking, we are changing our reality. Allow, make way for prosperity to enter your life. Move away from poverty to PROSPERITY THINKING. Be at one with God, the Power that created us, ie. act in faith and trust the outcomes. (Enough spirituality for a money article here, Craig!).

More on Money:

A lot depends on how you view money, as you are growing up. Are you are a saver or a spender? Some people like to spend, others love to save. Studies with identical twins have shown that your emotional attachment to money as a child will determine how you spend it. However, it's never too late to change your childhood impressions of money - that is what might be holding you back to attain true happiness.

You have to have the happiness for the money to do anything. Happiness, like wealth or poverty is very much a state of mind. Happiness, I believe, is who you are, and how you feel about yourself. I don't believe there is anything like a "money making gene" - you are not born with it. No one is born genetically with the ability to become rich. It all depends on our desire and dedication (ie. how motivated we are) to become financially independent or even wealthy (I far prefer that word to rich, btw).

Ask yourself, Does money buy me FREEDOM?... or perhaps envy, love or recognition. Ask yourself and be totally honest. Saving small amounts of money all adds up - it's never too late to start. People have become multi-millionaires by putting away small amounts of money over a long period of time. Even $35 per week can be meaningful...IN TIME. (I had to say those words after being in life assurance all those years!).

Don't focus on what other people have...and your "lack". "It's easy to get in a hole trying to keep up with the Jones's". Just think about what it is really important to you. Instill the value of the work ethic in your family. Make your children a part of the financial situation. Teach your children to save a portion of their pocket money and spend some. Let them know their parent's income and how a budget works. We are very secretive about money...and kids easily pick up our values. Most millionaires have been fired, bankrupt, suicidal at some times in their life: it's not what happened to them; but how they REACTED to the situation. Most people who make big money try to
buy the very best. Buy ONE good share, buy ONE good shirt, rather than many.

"Money not made properly does not stick."

"By giving you get."

"Money doesn't grow on trees."

BELIEVE, really BELIEVE you can make money, no matter where you are in the continium ("cycle of life"). Even if "deep in the smelly brown stuff (like most writers). Remind yourself that you deserve it. Money is not a solution to all your problems. A single minded drive for money at any cost does not make you feel like a millionaire. Fear of failure/success/rejection is important here: Fear of the unknown, fear of loss, shame of wanting money - nothing wrong with that! However, being motivated in your work solely by money provides no satisfaction whatsoever. Money is a game - it represents freedom and gives one CHOICES in life. Find work that you love, then sell yourself vigorously, deliver quality service. Ask fair prices. Money is a form of self expression. Having money isn't bad - it's the way you use it that's vitally important. How much is enough to make me really happy? Only YOU can answer that question. NB: Most people want more and more money and are never satisfied ...but few people are prepared to do anything about it. There is no creative training at school in money management. Perhaps a niche for me there?

Ask yourself : WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE? Attitudes to money are the number one factor...and are also a prime cause of divorce...together with financial pressures, of course. Are you financially compatible or incompatible with your partner (or spouse - like that word!): are you a spender-saver-phobic, shopper or hoarder? a: phobic

a dreamer

or perhaps even

a miser.

"I am what I am, hoard...or save". Your parents make an indelible mark on your savings habits, as well as our attitudes to money management. Be assertive, communicate honestly about your finances with your spouse (partner). Is there any denial of your financial situation?

Develop a money consciousness...then a prosperity consciousness.

Follow these money management hints and you are sure to be well on the way to financial security/prosperity.

Good luck*

Craig Lock (Eagle Productions)

* "luck", as they say, is where preparedness (is there such a word?) meets opportunity.


Author's Bio: 

About the Author:

Craig has worked for "many moons" in the financial services industry (in the days when he had a "proper job")...before becoming a writer. He has studied and written extensively on money matters: articles, brochures for financial institutions and books.

The various books that Craig "felt inspired to write" (including his e-books on money management) are available at : +

Craig's blog (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) is at

“The world’s smallest and most exclusive bookstore”

* Hard-copies and e-books, fiction and nonfiction: self help, novels, travel, humour, writing, inspiration and money management

All proceeds go to needy and underprivileged children -


(enough of that negativity, cut it out right NOW and start really believing, now "chappie"!)