The term Midlife crisis is a term made famous in 1965 by Elliott Jaques, a Canadian psychoanalyst and organizational psychologist, and is now used to describe the period of deep-seated self-doubt that is felt by some individuals in their "middle years" or middle age of life. This experience is a result of sensing the passing of their own youth and the imminence of their old age.

Now let’s back up a minute. This is the prime of our live, ladies. We have been sitting with our heads to the grindstone in the university of life since the day we were slapped on our bottoms to force sweet air into a teeny lungs. We have had late nights in the lessons’ library researching our life’s path with all the twists and turns this highway presents us. We have now graduated and it is time to rejoice in our blessing – we have reached adulthood and now the living begins. Stand back and admire your diplomas of “hard-knocks” and smile, just smile.

Out with the thought – “Crisis” and in with the thought – “Blessing.” Now is the time to continue on your miraculous journey living life by your heart.

1.Start now and take responsibility – you are the only one in charge of your life and that has always been the case but we get too embroiled attaching our self-worth to others and situations. Now is a time to stand in your power and do what make you happy.

2.Take a chance and lose arguments – learn to pick your battles. Do you always have to be right? On the other hand stand up for yourself and use your assertive right to think and feel any way you desire. It is your life and life it with love in your heart and joy in your soul.

3.Reflect and focus on your strengths – don’t dwell on your weaknesses focus on your strengths and what you deem, as a weakness will go into hiding. Now is the time to bump this up a notch because you have the time for you.

4.Slow down and do less – slow down and live more. You have accumulated so many things by now you probably really don’t need any more materialistic items. So embrace your spirituality and stop to smell the roses, they are very pretty at this time of year.

5.Live with power and take ownership of whom you are - live with power and certainty every day. Your power goes hand in hand with responsibility. Start today to take action, be confident, but be yourself and trust that your intuition will guide you wherever you need to be.

6.Give Value to everything around you – we all have something we are good at. Focus on ding random acts of kindness to yourself and those you meet. Focus on what you love and what you are good at now and what you wish to master in the future.

7.Release expectations – set your goals but then release all expectation of how you think you are going to attain them. The universe might deliver a miracle to your doorstep, you never know. That’s why you want to have an open-mind, go with the flow and get out of the universe’s way because what if it has something better in store for you?

8.Enjoy the process - When you’re doing something you love, you will automatically enjoy the process and not focus on the destination. Your goals won’t even matter at this point. Sure, they give you a direction, but you’re loving life and feeling awesome so enjoy the ride – it could be the best one of your life.

9.Embrace challenges with no regret or guilt – We naturally avoid challenges, problems or transitions. But if you were to really think of it, life would be incredibly boring without them. Hurdling challenges causes us to grow and blossom, achieve our dreams and go for the gold otherwise we would stagnate. Knowing everyday would be the same as the next would take the motivation from our sails and our dreams probably would not come to fruition.

10.Practice courage and roar with your lion heart - We all have our fears. By stepping away from the familiar and outside our comfort zone, you are practicing courage. Doing something you’re afraid to do helps you grow. New stuff is very scary – it sends our butterflies out of formation and helter -skelter. You know that but let’s do it anyway one tiny step at a time.

11.Be silly and ridiculous let your “inner child” out – don’t be afraid to be silly and ridiculous- be who you are and embrace it. You will stand out and shine when others see you having fun in life. So if you see a slide in a playground go down it and relive the inner child in you – I promise it will feel wonderful.

12.And don’t forget to keep dreaming – Let yourself get lost in your dreams as now you have the chance to make them come true. You have dreamed your whole life so don’t stop now because you are just getting started with attaining all that you desire. You deserve it so live it and celebrate.

Happy mid-life everyone – let’s party.

Author's Bio: 

Tamara Elizabeth is a certified self-love and transformational coach and Master Motivator of women in transition. She empowers women to look into the mirror and reflect the fabulously lovable selves. She is the author of an inspirational workbook for women titled,” Fabulously Fifty and Reflecting It! –Discovering My Lovable Me. Tamara strives to find the humor in life and you will find your coaching experience very positive – the ride of your life. Do you want to discover how to empower yourself, and reflect upon your own journey to self-love? You are welcome to visit Tamara Elizabeth @ Do yourself the favor - It is setting an intention towards your goal.