Do you want to learn affiliate marketing? If you do but are not sure how, you need to read on. I will be going through a simple system that you can use to help you get started. By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of the basic strategy for becoming an affiliate marketer, so without further ado, let us get started!

The first thing that you will need to do is find a product that you want to promote. For that, you should go to ClickBank and register for a free account. The sign up process is not difficult at all, and as I mentioned earlier, the account is free. Once that is done, go through the Clickbank marketplace and look for a product that you want to promote. There are many niches in the marketplace, so you have a really wide variety to choose from. Once you have selected a product to promote, do not forget to get your affiliate link.

Here is a guideline if you are not sure which product to choose: look out for products that have a gravity of at least 10. Gravity is a measurement to gauge the number of affiliates who recently promoted the product. Too high a gravity would mean that you will have to deal with a lot of competition, but too low a gravity would mean that this product may not be that profitable for you to successful gain any commissions from.

If you want to learn affiliate marketing, you need to be prepared to build a list of potential buyers. Get yourself an autoresponder service and build a simple squeeze page to collect the email addresses of your target audience. Be consistent in driving traffic to your squeeze page and you should have a decent number of subscribers in no time. Do remember that as an affiliate marketer, your role is to send the lead to the merchant’s sales page. Do not hard-sell to your list. Instead, provide them with quality content and interact with them. You can even give them freebies such as free reports as well. The aim is to build a rapport and get them to trust you.

This final point is probably the most important point. If you do not apply this point, all your earlier efforts could be in vain. You need to track and monitor your results. If you don’t think your campaign is doing too good, you may want to split test with different headlines, colors or styles. The only way to know which approach is the best is through split testing.

By now I hope you have a better understanding of how to start your own affiliate business. Continue to learn affiliate marketing in greater detail and you should be on your way to becoming an expert in your niche!

Author's Bio: 

If you would like to learn affiliate marketing in greater detail, I highly recommend this resource which has helped many people kick start their journey as an affiliate marketer. It can be found on Guaranteed Internet Income. Do check it out to learn affiliate marketing more extensively.