When is the last time you’ve given yourself permission to do something just for the fun of it? I know…we all get caught up in work, family, and home. But isn’t it time that you made time for yourself? With summer in full swing, you should kick off your shoes and step back into your childhood for just a little while. Take this time to be funky and fun loving. Get out into the great outdoors and explore your inner child by looking at the nature that surrounds you with a new set of eyes, a free spirit, and an open mind.

“But I’ve got prior engagements,” you say? Nope. Not today. Today, I want you to relax and get the lead out of your mind — it’s weighing you down. What is your intuition telling you right now? I imagine that you think that your conscious mind is what dictates your life…and most times, that is true because that is how most of us function on a day-to-day basis. What I’m talking about is your inner consciousness — your intuitive power that sometimes supersedes your conscious mind…or in some cases, may be buried in the noise of your conscious mind. Your intuition has no inhibition. It is free from all external sources except the Universal flow of energy. And the flow of Universal energy gives you all the inspiration and motivation to be at peace with your self, and with your soul being.

Now, what is it that you’ve been putting off to do? You know the “I can go to the beach next time…” statement you keep telling yourself? There may not be an opportunity for “next time” if you keep putting off an enjoyable event you’d like to do today. Let your inhibitions run wild…if just for a little while. When you get in touch with your inner child, you begin to see things more vividly; and you gain clarity in your mind’s eye so you can accomplish bigger and better things in your life. An emotional and physical break from your daily routine is exactly what you need right now — right at this very moment.

Go ahead - you deserve a break today. Whatever you choose to do — whether it’s a day trip to the beach, an afternoon at the park, a family barbecue, or maybe just going to the local playhouse to catch the latest showing of “Grease,” go ahead and schedule your plans and do what you love to do just for the fun of it. Reward yourself with a pleasant and enjoyable time; on which you can reflect at any time, all the time. When you craft beautiful memories for yourself, your intuition and soul being always have something creative to fall back upon. And when you’re at peace with your soul, the Universal flow of energy invites more positive opportunities into your life. Don’t let another summer pass you by without adding a little enjoyment into your life. Listen to your intuition, it’s hungry for a recharge — and now is the best time as ever.

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

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Just for the Fun of it!

By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

Author's Bio: 

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. For more information, please go to: www.joanmariewhelan.com