The meanings of infection and inflammation are different, but they are often confused by some doctors and patients in clinical practice, which affects their judgment of many diseases and effective treatment measures.

Experts explain that infection is a pathological process in which pathogens invade, reproduce, and affect the body to a certain extent. Therefore, the targeted use of sensitive medicines and drugs against the pathogens are the main treatment means. Experts add that infections can also be in relative balance with the body without causing any inflammatory response. For example, many people with hepatitis B virus infection do not have any uncomfortable feelings, and the viruses do not cause any damage to the liver. Actually, the virus is "at peace" with the body.

Besides, pathogens in the prostate gland can also be "at peace" with the prostate gland without causing any clinical symptoms related to prostatitis. Experts say that the inflammation is a reaction of the body to adverse stimuli outside, which can be the infection of pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, as well as the mechanical damage of tissues and organs, physical and chemical stimulation, stress response, abnormal immune response, and many other factors.

Therefore, the infection and the inflammation are not exactly the same. They can overlap or co-exist directly with each other, but they can also be separated. It is of great significance to make a clear distinction in the specific diagnosis and treatment process. Some researchers have found that there can be no evidence of pathogen infection in healthy male prostate gland, thus causing the deep research to the pathogenesis of prostatitis, and producing many hypotheses and theory systems to explain the pathophysiological process of the prostate gland, which radically changes people's understanding of the disease and treatment principles.

Traditionally, chronic prostatitis has been thought to be largely caused by infection, or at least initiated by an infectious agent at the early stages of the disease, so the treatment has focused on long-term treatment with large amounts of oral antibiotics, according to experts’ reports. However, the effective rate of drug treatment for 3 months, 6 months or even years is still very low, only 30% to 40%. In recent years, it is believed that the infectious factors of pathogens only account for a small part of chronic prostatitis, with studies reporting that they only account for 5% of the role, and many researchers have been constantly proved it.

Therefore, long-term antibiotic treatment for the vast majority of patients with chronic prostatitis is unreasonable. It will be a revolutionary change in diagnosis and treatment of chronic prostatitis if the curative effect of chronic prostatitis is increased to 60% to 80% with effective treatment measures. Nowadays, a herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is a novel and effective option for patients with chronic prostatitis, which can radically eliminate the symptoms and inflammations. Its effect is working on the whole urogenital system without side effects or drug resistance. Patients can take it safely.

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