Seminal vesiculitis can affect man's sexual function and induce many urination problems, making them miserable. In general, seminal vesiculitis is divided into chronic and acute types.

Chronic seminal vesiculitis is often triggered by having too much sexual behaviors in daily life. And sufferers with chronic seminal vesiculitis are often recommended to control their sex life.

Is abstaining from sex necssary for men with seminal vesiculitis?

Doctors point out that sufferers with seminal vesiculitis should neither indulge in sex nor abstain from sex. What they should do is to control their sex life to a state of balance. Having too much sex can make the seminal vesicle excessively congested, which is not good for curing seminal vesiculitis.

As for your seminal vesicle, you need to excrete inflammatory cells and pathogenic bacteria through regular sex, which is helpful for your recovery. Physiologically, when a man has a sexual desire, the pelvic congestion will occur, which can be relieved by a proper sexual intercourse. That likewise means the abstinence is a wrong step you shouldn't take. It will make your pelvic congestion longer, which is harmful for your urogenital health.

Sufferers with acute seminal vesiculitis may experience discomfort and pain in the private areas and they may have decreased sexual function. Therefore, couples are not suggested to have sex when acute seminal vesiculitis is breaking out.

Otherwise, pain and discomfort may aggravate, and the bacteria in the semen may be passed on to the women during sex, causing damage to both men and women. Only when the symptoms have gone away can they enjoy their sex life.

What you need to do is not abstinence or avoid having sex, but to avoid sexual intercourse in inappropriate situations. A regular sex life is needed for sufferers with seminal vesiculitis. What's more, they should pay attention to their living habits. Avoiding drinking, smoking and eating spicy food can improve their conditions. They are encouraged to drink more water in the daily living, and don't hold back the urine at the same time.

Taking a bath can not only relieve muscle and eliminate fatigue, but also can relieve tension and discomfort in the seminal vesicle. Regular bathing is likewise a guarantee of a healthy and clean sexual life. If sufferers with seminal vesiculitis can have a warm shower once a day, it will have a positive effect on the therapy.

What’s more, sufferers should always keep a positive attitude towards their life. Paying too much attention to the problems related to sex may trigger much pressure on them. You need to know that seminal vesiculitis is curable. Generally, appropriate antibiotics can be taken according to sufferer's condition.

Additionally, herbal remedy Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill​ is often chosen by many sufferers with chronic seminal vesiculitis. It has a good effect on clearing away harmful substances and relieve the pain in the male urogenital system. Persisting in taking the pill can effectively cure the seminal vesiculitis.

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