When you are facing tax issues such as unfiled returns or tax debts you can not pay, the experience can be overwhelming. Your own inexperience at such legal matters can complicate the process and result in the loss of your case or subsequent appeals. If you are in a situation involving tax problems, it might be in your best interest to consider a consultation with a tax relief attorney who is experienced in the process of resolving tax debt issues.

What a Tax Relief Attorney Can Do

Primarily a tax relief attorney will help prevent you from making mistakes in your tax case. Remember that the IRS representatives are professionals who are used to dealing with tax debtors. They may appear to be intimidating in their experience. To have an equally experienced representative on your side can help you negotiate the complex process and even come out with a victory. A tax relief attorney can explain the situation so you clearly understand your options. They will also help you develop a plan to resolve the tax issues.

Do You Need a Tax Relief Attorney?

If you are facing an audit, a tax debt you don’t have the money to pay, or are disputing the tax amount you are said to owe, a tax relief attorney may be in order. While you will still be fully involved in the process, an experienced attorney will have the know-how to help resolve your issue based on your financial situation. Tax attorneys can also help you in the following ways:

Compute your tax liability
Protect your interests from mistakes, abuse, or intimidation tactics from the IRS
Complete unfiled tax returns (even several years worth)
File amended tax returns
Resolve tax liens and levies
Prove eligibility for Offer in Compromise programs
Correspond with IRS on legal tax matters on your behalf
Analyze your tax returns, check for errors, and develop a plan for future tax issues

Experience Matters

If you are facing a tax issue that seems over your head, having experience on your side can keep the process moving forward efficiently and effectively. Handling even the smallest tax problems on your own leaves you open to errors. Mistakes made on tax returns or during your tax defense can ruin your case or cost you more money than you can afford to pay. Before venturing up against the IRS, consult with a qualified tax professional and learn more about the options you have available before committing to anything.

Again, the IRS has experience on their side and the bottom line is you owe them money and they want it as soon as possible. If you are not fully aware of how best to resolve your tax debts or auditing issues, you likely will not find a resolution in your best interest, leading to bigger legal battles and larger debts in the near future.

When to Make Contact

The best time to consult with a tax professional is as soon as you know you are facing tax issues. Getting help right from the start will enable your case to be represented fully by an experienced professional. Before you contact the first person you find, make sure you do your homework and investigate several agencies before committing to one. Not only do you need a qualified tax relief attorney on your side, you also need an agency who is legitimate and straight forward about the work they provide and the fees they charge.

Author's Bio: 

Matt Robinson, a licensed CPA, is part of Tax Debt Help, LLC. Find out more information on how to handle problems with the IRS and when a tax relief attorney is required.