So you want an abundant life? In order to experience abundant living, you must get out of debt. You need to pay off your credit cards to do that. Feel like you don't know how? I'm here to help. As The Doors say, "The time to hesitate is through." Our goal here is to freeze your credit cards before the bank does. You've got to rid yourself of the debt that is sucking the life out of you, not to mention the money out of your banking account. You've got to learn to use credit wisely or so you can live a rich life you love.

Now here's what I want you to do. Remember, be brave! This is to put you on the path to a prosperous life! Look through your wallet and pull out all your credit cards. Pick out the one or two you REALLY want to keep and use frequently and put them aside in a safe place. Here's the catch--Now pull out the sharpest pair of scissors you can find and cut up the rest. If you prefer to automate, use your shredder and enjoy the grinding sound as you vanquish future debt. It's time to have the abundant life you've earned!

As for your debit card, you can leave that in your wallet; it's okay since you have to have funds in your account for it to work. Now dear, go get a nice big jar. If you don't have an empty one, make a pot of spaghetti for prosperity… just don't break the noodles. (It's bad luck.) Rinse the jar and fill it with water and say "Abracadabra, prosper me now." Okay, you really don't have to say that, but it does add a bit of extra drama, doesn't it?

Now, take the one or two credit cards you set aside and stick them in the jar, fill it with water, and nestle it waaaaaaaaay in the back of the freezer where you'll have to take out EVERYTHING--from those fish sticks you froze three weeks ago to the Ben and Jerry's you have stashed back there--to get to it. No, you cannot hide the Ben and Jerry's behind the jar, hon. Don't even try!

You think I'm kidding about freezing your credit cards? Think of it this way--You have to put a freeze on your spending BEFORE the bank or credit card company does it for you. Like most people, your spending is out of control, which means YOU are out of control!

Since most people buy on impulse, your "jarhead" strategy will work well for you. You'll have to thaw out your card before you use it, so you'll have plenty of time to think about whether or not you really need that Christian Dior faux fur muff. And since you have time to think about that impulse buy, it won't be such an impulse, now will it?

This strategy may sound crazy, but it works. (And remember, you'll be going nuts if you find yourself neck-deep in debt. So what if your family think you're nuts already because you've got a pasta jar of VISAs stuck in the back of the freezer.) You have to align your spending with what really means the most to you. And no matter how much you bemoan it, it is not that Dior faux fur muff!

Of course, if you ARE one of those households with lots of credit card debt you also need to take several more vital steps before you call it a day. Tune it to my next article in this series to find out what those essential five steps are. But for now, let me congratulate you, hon. You are no longer a credit card junkie—You're a credit card SAVINGS MAVEN! (Yep, that's your new title--SAVINGS MAVEN. Has a fabulous ring to it, doesn't it?)

Now sit back and imagine yourself grinning when you hear the phone rather than dreading another creditor's call! Imagine that paying off credit cards is no longer a problem for you because you know how to use credit wisely. Imagine looking FORWARD to the day your bills arrive.

You are the envy of all your friends who are still burdened by credit card debt.You are accountable only to yourself and enjoy a prosperous life. Most of all, you enjoy the financial freedom that until now, you never knew you could achieve. You go, you Savings Maven you!

Author's Bio: 

Professional speaker and coach Dr. Barnsley Brown loves helping people like you save thousands of dollars and start living the life of their dreams! Check out Dr. Barnsley's exciting e-book and audio package, Get Out of Debt and Get On With Your Life, at