Moving is one of the most stressful activities you can engage in. It’s said that moving three times is like having one home fire.

Moving forces you to plan meticulously and take stock of what’s truly important to you. Do you really need that beanbag you got a few years ago? One of the keys to a successful move is managing the stress properly so you can enjoy the process.

There are many things you can do from the outset such as looking at it from a new perspective, working with a good agent, enlisting help, starting on time, and more.

Look at is as an opportunity

There’s something important to understand about moving. You don’t have to take everything with you. Look at it as an opportunity to reduce the clutter you may have accumulated over the years. Miscellaneous gifts, impulse purchases, and items that have outlived their usefulness can be left behind.

Consider gathering all the items you’ll no longer need and selling them at a yard sale. You’ll be able to make a few dollars and reduce the number of things you have to deal with. For everything that doesn’t get sold, you can donate it to a local charity. Keep in mind that items you send to charities should be in good condition.

Start this process as soon as you know you’re going to move. If you wait until the last minute, you’ll defeat the purpose because it becomes just another item on your to-do list that you don’t have enough time to complete.

Get a good agent

Many people don’t realize how much a real estate agent can do for you. Yes, they’re there to help you value you home, list it, and get it sold. They can also guide you through every step of the moving process.

If you need contacts for movers, good locations to dispose of your items, or anything else in your local area, they’ll be able to help. Remember, a good real estate agent is an expert on their entire area. That means they’re aware of amenities and services that other people may have no idea about which can prove invaluable.

Don’t go it alone

This may be the most effective way to reduce your stress during a move. A common thread with moving is that the parents or just one of the partners is responsible for most of the activities that need to get done. They sort, pack, and dispose the items in the house alone. This is bound to cause extra stress.

Instead of going this route, get everyone in the home involved. If you have small children, turn it into a game and reward them for completing their tasks. If your spouse has been aloof, talk to them about helping out and communicate how stressful it is to do it alone.

If you don’t have a spouse or children, there are still other people who can help you. Talk to your friends about helping you get packed for a few weekends. If they don’t seem excited to help because of the time and effort involved, give them an ethical bribe. Offer to buy them pizza and drinks or take them out. You know what your friends like so this should be simple for you.

Start on time

A major factor that makes a move stressful is having to do everything in a short amount of time. This can easily be avoided. As soon as you know you’re going to move or start the search for a new home, begin the process of moving.

The first step is to declutter your home which can be done by donating or holding a yard sale. After that, pack up any items that aren’t used often like certain kitchen appliances and extra utensils. If you go about it like this, you’ll have few things to do when it comes time to move and can relax knowing you’ve taken care of everything.

Moving can be one of the most stressful experiences in your life if you let it. Instead of getting overwhelmed, follow the practical tips laid out here to make your experience enjoyable.

Author's Bio: 

I am a professional writer and loves to write on different topics like SEO, Health, Money Making,Games, Fashion, Product Reviews etc. It is my Hobby and passion.

M.B Qasim Shehzad Ch