The prostate is the largest accessory gonadal organ in men. It looks like chestnut and is located between the posterior urethra, bladder, and pelvic floor. Its size and weight vary with age.

From an anatomical point of view, the prostate constitutes part of the urethral wall, including the internal urethral sphincter, which can control the excretion of urine from the bladder and help the semen entered seminal vesicle and prostate to be excreted through the urethra during ejaculation.

The prostate also has an exocrine function. It can excrete thin milky white prostate fluid every day, which is an integral part of semen. The prostate has a unique effect on male reproductive function.

Prostate diseases mainly include prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and prostate cancer. This article mainly introduces prostatitis, which is increasingly invading young men.

Prostatitis is mainly manifested by abnormal urinary symptoms such as frequent, urgent, and painful micturition, incomplete and difficult micturition, and discomfort in the perineum, lower abdomen, penis, scrotum, lumbosacral and other parts. Prostatitis is a common disease, and 35% - 50% of men will be troubled by it in their life.

Most patients with prostatitis before the age of 30 are bacterial prostatitis. After the age of 35, most of them are nonbacterial prostatitis. Patients are generally treated with dialectical herbal medicine, and the effect is good. The more common is Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill.

There are many myths about prostatitis:

Myth 1: chronic prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia are the same things

Many patients confuse the two, and they worry that chronic prostatitis will directly cause benign prostatic hyperplasia. These understandings are wrong. Chronic prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia are two completely different diseases with different etiology and pathology. There is no necessary connection between the two.

Myth 2: only antibiotics can cure chronic prostatitis

Most patients with chronic prostatitis are sterile. Some pathogenic microorganisms cause chronic prostatitis, so it isn't easy to achieve good results using antibiotics.

Myth 3: prostatitis can not be cured

The pathological changes of chronic prostatitis are complex. Many factors can aggravate prostate congestion and cause repeated symptoms, such as excessive fatigue, lack of diet, and so on. However, no matter how repeated, the symptoms are always milder than those before taking medicine. Therefore, chronic prostatitis is not incurable, but many patients do not take appropriate treatment methods, do not adhere to treatment, and ignore prevention and health care after cure.

While receiving formal and scientific treatment and avoiding some adverse factors, men can get rid of chronic prostatitis.

Myth 4: chronic prostatitis is infectious

Clinically, the vast majority of chronic prostatitis can not find pathogenic bacteria, that is, nonbacterial prostatitis. And it is not infectious.

Most prostatitis does not have a clear etiology, which brings great difficulties to the prevention of the disease. Therefore, the majority of men should start with health care to prevent prostatitis.

1. Pay attention to personal hygiene. Usually, when conditions permit, it is better to clean the private parts before and after sex.

2. Notice climate change in four seasons and change clothes in time to prevent catching a cold. Especially before swimming or cold water bathing, men should fully exercise to avoid cold stimulation of the lower body and recurrence of old diseases.

3. Work and rest regularly and keep the spirit happy. An optimistic attitude is conducive to the improvement of the condition.

4. Avoid pressure on the prostate. Ride less or no bicycles or motorcycles to reduce the friction to the prostate. If you are sedentary, you need to take a regular walk or other minor activities.

5. Regular sex. Excessive sexual life will make prostate hyperemia and aggravate the disease. But abstinence is not advocated. Abstinence can not make the prostate fluid discharge with semen, and it will exacerbate the retention of purulent secretion.

6. Diet should be light. Eat more green vegetables containing cellulose and avoid alcohol and spicy food.

7. Keep your stool unobstructed. Stool constipation will directly compress the prostate body and cause adverse urination.

8. Drinking more water. Increased urination can reduce the incidence of urethral stones and urinary tract infections.

9. Don't hold your urine at ordinary times. If you don't urinate in time, the bladder will be overfilled and exceed the contractile capacity of the bladder, resulting in weak urination.

10. Strengthen physical exercise. Exercise can enhance people's immunity and disease resistance. For the prostate, the movement of the abdomen, thighs, and hips can massage the prostate and promote the blood circulation and lymphatic circulation of the prostate tissue. The middle-aged and older adults jog or walk fast for 20-30 minutes a day, which has a health care effect on the prostate.

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