If you’re looking to start organic container gardening, you better complete the seven most basic elements required namely; plants, water, sunlight, temperature, fertilizers, space and most importantly, patience. Once an element is missing, you will not fully appreciate the essence of what you’re doing and will not eventually succeed.

It is therefore advised that every thing must be prepared beforehand so the process can be started and be thoroughly done. So to get started, gather the elements mentioned and get them in a container wherein you could mix them except for the elements such as sunlight, space and patience as they are not tangible.
Plants are the most essential because without it, your plans of organic container gardening would be useless. The success of the whole project highly depends on the plants that you will be growing, cultivating, nurturing and eventually going to be harvesting.

You need to be very careful in choosing the type of plant that you will be growing as the success of growing varies in the temperature, place and season. To start with, you can choose plants that are not seasonal or those that easily grow.
Water is another vital ingredient in the success of organic container gardening as this will sustain the life of the plant that you’re trying to grow. The trick is to keep the soil and the plants inside the container but be careful not to submerge them thoroughly in the water. Doing so will only drown the plant.

Sunlight is another essential element in organic container gardening because it nourishes the plant. Just like water, it is important in the growth of the plants. Too much of it though will also harm the plants. So be careful not to overdose the plant with it. Place it in a location wherein it could get enough sunlight but not too much.

Organic fertilizers are what help the already blossoming plant into developing into its greatest potential. They are very important, as they will help a plant grow taller and bear more fruits. Are we all set with the mentioned elements? Not yet without the most important above all—patience. In everything that we do we need to be very patient as not everything could be done in just a snap.

Learn of the patterns and behaviors of the plants growth period and stages and be sure to monitor them closely. However, do not be discouraged in cases wherein the plant seems to be a late bloomer or does not bear much fruit. Continue nourishing it with sunlight, water and love and you’ll see your efforts will be paid off when it will eventually grow into a productive and fruitful flower or vegetable.

Organic container gardening is a great way to ensure your family eats only the healthiest fruits and vegetables.

Author's Bio: 

Tom has been gardening for years. He hopes to pass along his experience on such things as organic gardening. Visit his site for more information on how to grow your own vegetables. http://www.mygardeningbasics.com
By T. Houser