Feeling Stuck? 7 Steps Worth Pursuing
By Kimberley Cohen
There are times in our personal and/or professional life where we feel stuck and we don't know which way to turn, or what to do next, or we become fearful of what the outcomes will be.

It's as if our hopes and dreams have been suspended, or somehow misplaced in trying to exist in life, or that events or people have changed our vision or direction.

All too often we are so consumed with trying to make a living, or become caught up in our busy routines, or circumstances occur and we stop believing in and/or doubt our dreams.

What previously was a life filled with aspirations is now one of dulled passions, loss of hopes, enthusiasm, creativity and courage. It can leave one feeling there aren't any alternatives or solutions and therefore we become filled with fears and limitations.

Walt Disney said, "All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them".

So how do we move from feeling stuck to pursuing our dreams?

We do this by building on the vision we have or creating new ones.

We need to take 7 steps out of our comfort zone and into the unknown.

Step 1. Let it go. Whatever situation you are in right now where you are feeling stuck, let it go.

Whenever thoughts of doubt, worry, fear, limitation, and "what ifs" enter, let them go. Release the over-analyzing and questioning and start imagining the possibilities.

You may not have the solution this minute, day, or week, but know that something is about to shift and things are about to change.

Step 2. Trust. Often one of the biggest challenges we encounter when we are without an answer or solution is trusting that all will be as it needs to be and that it is happening for our growth and development.

We feel like we need to know or control the outcomes and when we don't have the answers, or aren't in control, we become fearful because we haven't strengthened our trust yet.

When we have faith that everything happens for a reason and we are in control of our actions and reactions in situations, then it becomes easier to allow things to unfold and have confidence we will make it through.

Remember, "This too shall pass".
Step 3. Gaining insights. Every situation is an invitation to your insights. These brilliant ideas are waiting patiently to shine in your life.

They are the possibilities and miracles waiting to occur.

They are dreams waiting to be lived.

They are opportunities knocking on your door waiting to be welcomed.

They are steps of courage waiting to be taken and explored.

They are the answers to your questions and prayers, so don't get stuck on how they will unfold, allow them to expand and grow.

Step 4. Pursue your dreams. Just because you seem to be stuck doesn't mean you have to give up on your hopes and dreams.

We are all infinite beings who are filled with unlimited possibilities just waiting to create new ideas out of the impasses.

Take out a piece of paper and in the middle write down where you are feeling stuck. Then write all the possibilities, new ideas, positive thoughts, and outcomes that can spring forth from this challenge. Use different colour markers or pencils for each thought. Write them wherever you choose to on the page.

After you're done, sit back and explore the possibilities.

Step 5. Choices are available. By doing the exercise above you can see you have choices. Opportunities abound for new hopes, new dreams, new ideas, new attitudes, new thoughts, and new outlooks on life.

Don't get hung up on which one is the best, or how it will be. Instead, take some time to investigate the options. Let your imagination wander and ponder the promise and potential.

You never know what gems are waiting to sparkle in your life.

Step 6. Don't give up. Your dreams are worth your investment, your commitment, your time, your growth, your courage and efforts.

They may not unfold as you originally planned but that doesn't mean it's time to give up hope. Perhaps other ideas originate from taking that first step. You'll never know unless you try.

Let go of the need for it to be perfect or having to have it a certain way.

Be creative. Let the possibilities paint a new picture for you.

You have wonderful gifts, talents and skills to share, or fine tune.

If you don't know what they are, try different things. What are your passions? What do you feel drawn to? What lights you up when you think or talk about it?

Step 7. Connect to the greatest source. When you are connected to God, the Universe, whatever you choose to call this abundant resource, then you know you are never alone and the possibilities are endless.

We are all connected in this beautiful world and each situation is calling to deepen our bond to life's mysteries and our unique and brilliant ways of being.

We all have a gift, some more than one. Many great lessons can be learned and doors opened as we explore our hopes and dreams.

Don't get stuck, get moving.

Author's Bio: 

Kimberley Cohen is the Founder, Facilitator and Personal Insight Coach of The Insight Technique™. She is certified in Body Mind Counselling, Process Oriented Body Work and Spiritual Psychotherapy. She founded the Insight Technique™ - Your Insight to genuine Happiness, Purpose and Prosperity to assist herself and others in uncovering and discovering their brilliance. To question and understand your thinking so you can transform what blocks and limits you from living the life you desire and deserve. Or "living your dreams".