Since the inception of Apple’s iPad, the market has been rigging the demand of best android tablets in NZ. Well, many computer and smartphone hardware manufacturers have been noticed and acknowledged the increased demand of tablet and hence introduced a number of devices in last few years. So, what is the reason behind such popularity? What are the features posing them unique amongst the lump of gadgets? Well, the reason is lightweight design, processing power and other capacities to carry out different tasks easily. Whether it is web browsing, Twitter, email, Facebook or other means of computing and social media interaction, you can use your device while moving. To make the arguments strong enough, find the best features that you should not miss while considering an Android tablet.

Tablets NZ

Ease of access: The regular tasks like mailing, editing files or interacting over social media platforms are few simple jobs to deploy using Android OS. Hence, application developers and manufacturers are focusing more on Android platform to introduce new applications. Moreover, Android OS is the open source platform that is another reason why most Smartphone manufacturers today are adopting Android platform to increase the count of the users. So, what are the important features you should consider before buying tablets? Here is the information in gist:

Expected resolution: Most people long for the display size that comes between 7 inches to 10 inches. Well, it mainly depends on your requirement that you are comfortable at. If you like to have quick web surfing, a large screen than you may preferably go for a 10-inch tablet.
Processing speed: It is a non-deniable fact that processor is the heart of any computing device. The lowest computing processor comes with 600 MHZ capacity. Well, if you like to experience quick browsing of your phone’s feature, opt for higher processing power. Well, it is recommended that you must go with at least 1.3 GHz processor that can run your Android phone without any noticeable delay.
Operating system: Whereas Android 7.1 launched on Nexus devices in October 2016, whereas Android 7.1.1 came with OS update for Google phones and tablets on December 5. On the other hand, Android 7.1.2 is out with latest update called Android Oreo, which is in the beta version currently. After Nougat, currently, Oreo (Android 8.0) is creating the buzz.
Storage capacity: The least RAM size should be 512 MB to run a mobile device today. Well, devices supporting high-end applications and games require more than 2 GB memory that may vary up to 32 GB or more. Well, one can use external SD card slots to add extra storage capacity.
Internet connectivity: Before you search for cheap and best tablets in NZ with internet connectivity, know how you will use your device. If you are someone who carries table all time, it is recommended to buy a 3G supported version of a device. Moreover, if you have Wi-Fi facility or able to access the public networks, connect the device to access the network.
Touchscreen: Determine the best between capacitive or resistive screen. Even if the capacitive is better over resistive, some prefer to go with the resistive option. Capacitive screen detects the touch immediately when touched by the electric conductor like a human body. On the other hand, resistive screen detects the touch upon giving pressure.
Battery capacity: How long the battery lasts is an important factor to consider. Usually, battery above 2500 mAH performs best with respect the use of Android devices.

Author's Bio: 

The author Ron Spencer has had experiences with availing cheap and best tablets in NZ and has relevant information on dealers stocking best android tablets in NZ.