I believe that everyone reading this understands that no matter what business you are in- Real Estate, Financial Services, Teaching, Auto Sales, or any other profession, we are all in the PEOPLE BUSINESS. It’s been said that fully 85% of your success in life is directly related to your ability to effectively work with people. So I wanted to pass on a little tip that will make all your dealings with clients or co-workers much more effective.

It is laid out extremely well in Dale Carnegie’s all time best selling book How to Win Friends & Influence People (definitely recommended reading). If you ever asked someone their “favorite subject”, you’d hear answers in a few categories. Most individuals I’ve met will respond with something either in the category of an activity (reading, sports, fishing, etc.) or their relationships (kids, grandkids, etc.) and neither of those are the real answer.

The real answer- without exception- is that everyone’s favorite subject is THEMSELVES! By default, everyone is much more interested in their own life and their own day than anyone else’s, and that’s OK. I’m not saying that everyone is or should be totally self-centered. I’m saying that in your dealings with other individuals, you MUST understand and respect this principle. The more you can “put yourself in another person’s shoes”, the better communicator you’ll become.

Three tips on how to do it:

1. Master the skill of LISTENING.
You have two ears and only one mouth, and great communicators will tell you that that’s the proportion they should be used in. How are your listening skills?

2. Take a SINCERE INTEREST in others.
Empathy, compassion, and a real desire to learn about people are some of the most attractive and persuasive qualities you can possess…and they cannot be faked.

3. Remove the words “I” and “me” from most of your communications.
When selling, coaching, teaching, or just working with someone, understand that it usually not about you, so don’t try and make it that way.

In our memory training workshop http://www.deliverfreedom.com/memory_training_workshops.html we get into a ton more detail on these concepts, but I thought you’d be able to use these concept and tips. As with any success principle, the art of communicating is a skill that can (and must) be learned if we are going to live to the fullest. I wish you the best on your continuing journey- make it a great day!

Be Free!

Roger Seip

Author's Bio: 

This article is available for reprint as long as the following bio is included intact.

Roger is co-owner of Freedom Personal Development http://www.deliverfreedom.com He teaches workshops around the country on memory training, goal setting, attitude management and time management.

To read more articles by Roger, visit

Contact: Roger@deliverfreedom.com 888-233-0407