If you can dream it, you can live it. When my husband hears a statement like that his response is usually, “Yeah, but how?” That, I deem, is a legitimate question which I will attempt to answer in this blog.

One definition for dream is something that is strongly desired; a goal or purpose. A person who knows their purpose or have a goal in life which they strongly desire to see achieved, is a little different from others who don’t. They awake in the morning with the dream on their minds. They can talk about it all day long with anyone who will listen. Even when they spend time with family and friends or doing other activities which have nothing to do with the dream itself, it still is in the forefront of their consciousness. They are gripped by this desire to see their dream come to reality.

One definition for live is to act out; to practice. This speaks of a manner in which one goes about occupying and using their personal or professional time, energy and finances. Anyone who has a strong desire to live their dream will see to it that these areas are used wisely and in accordance with that which will benefit and further their goal or purpose. It has been said that successful people have successful habits. What we have sown with our time, energy and finances will soon cause a harvest bringing to fruition that which we have planted.

Anyone who wants to live their dream can simply follow the steps of the definition itself. First, have a goal or a purpose, something which you strongly desire. This is more than a simply wish or a fantasy. A wish is merely a desire which there is no action following. A fantasy can be something wanted which is unrealistic in attainment. In contrast, a goal or a purpose has an aim. It gives vision. There is an ending in mind.

Secondly, begin to design your life to act out and practice that which you truly desire. With this strong desire in mind, begin to use your resources of time, energy and money and relate it to the future of your dream. Spend time on studying or gaining the knowledge needed to ensure the dream’s reality. Instead of wasting energy on non-productive activities, rearrange your influence and strength toward your goal. Revise your budget and pre-plan how much money you need to see your dream come true.

There is a way to dream it, live it and it starts and ends with you.

Author's Bio: 

Cynthia L. Hatcher is the Founder/CEO of Dream It Live It where she functions as an Inspirational Goal Strategist Coach. Her passion is to assist solo entrepreneurs and other service providers to reach their personal and professional goals.