Sometimes barriers block your path to success, but many of these obstacles are easily overcome. Your most significant barrier might be you. If your fears take over, you could stand in your own way. Follow these steps to remove those hurdles.

A few years back I went to a goal setting seminar offered by my friend Daniel Gutierrez. He recommended that you develop annual goals plan at least three months before the year begins. If you wait until New Year’s Eve to make your resolutions, you already start behind schedule. Keep this in mind when you decide to use the tools below.

Write Down Your Goals – Create a list of your goals and the steps you need to follow to achieve them. When you write down what you want to accomplish, it brings success within your reach and helps you better visualize your dreams. Make it brief, clear and put it in bullet or chart form for easy reading. Post it on your wall and read it daily.

Schedule Regular Progress Reviews – Make a schedule for when each step in your plan needs to be completed. If you miss a deadline, just reschedule and work on the next one. Review your timeline often and adjust as needed. Make sure the deadlines are realistic and allow you to meet your other responsibilities.

Repeat Positive Affirmations Daily – Be your own fan club. Remind yourself every day that anything is possible if you just put your mind to it. Write down your talents and what makes you capable of success and read them out loud daily. Use a mirror to look yourself in the eye while you say them to increase your confidence even more.

Don’t Beat Yourself Up – Distractions sometimes get in the way of your personal plans. They might be things you can’t help like work or home responsibilities, but sometimes you just procrastinate. If you beat yourself up about it, you waste more time that you could use to achieve your goals. It’s easy to lose focus, but you can’t change the past so jump right back on the wagon and move forward.

Remember Each Achievement Counts – Celebrate every win when you finish projects that bring you closer to your end goals. It will help remind you that you have the talent and skills to succeed in life and make your dreams become reality. Make sure that how you celebrate is healthy, wise and brings a smile to your face. Share your milestones with others who truly support you in all you do.

You may have doubts from time to time, but always remember that the power within you eagerly wants to burst through if you let it. You can share so much with others when they see you work toward your dreams. Let your light shine through you on your path to your goals and those around you will learn a positive lesson about the rewards that come when you believe you can succeed.

Author's Bio: 

Eve Rojas, MSSW, went through a deeply disturbing period in her life that caused a major depression. Strengthened by her experience, Eve believes strongly in the Holy Spirit within her and the promises of God, which exist beyond life’s trauma and stress. Eve shares the knowledge and skills she continues to develop each day to provide tools to help you learn to shine your light and claim your inner strength so you can better manage life’s ups and downs.

Eve Rojas relies on discernment and faith to follow the path in front of her and touch the souls of others. Eve possesses a Master of Science in Social Work with expertise in Social Enterprise Management from Columbia University. She also graduated with honors from Yale University.