There are many times when you may feel lazy, tired or simply too exhausted to function in their day-to-day activities. Most often, the cause behind these feelings of fatigue is a lack of sleep. Sleep disorders are one of the most challenging situations to face when you are trying to not only focus on their work but also maintain a healthy balance in their life. Having a good six to eight hours of sleep each night is paramount to feeling fresh and active in the morning. Otherwise, you will simply be exhausted all the time and will always be held back.

The only way to actually stopping sleep disorders is to comprehend why they are even occurring. Reasons for this may vary:

* Psychological problems such as depression or anxiety
* Medications such as antidepressants or cold and flu medications
* Medical issues such as asthma or allergies
* Even simple sleep problems such as sleep apnea.
* Being nervous when sleeping with a man

The key, once the problem is identified, is to minimize its effects as much as possible. The only way to do this is to, as much as possible, develop better sleeping habits and a healthy lifestyle. There will always be factors that allow you to sleep better. The most important factor is your bedroom. If the bedroom is bright, loud and hot, then the chances of sleeping are slim to none. If the bedroom contains electronics such as the TV and computer, then it is harder to concentrate on good sleep without being distracted. You must always promote a bedroom which is dark, quiet and meant simply for sleeping. All other activities and items must be placed in another room so they do not distract.

Avoiding stimulants such as energy drinks, coffee and Red Bull is also important. These must not be drunk within six to eight hours of sleep otherwise one will never be able to have a peaceful sleep. Also, cigarettes and alcohol must be avoided a few hours before sleep for they also promote a restless, stressful sleep.

You must also not take naps, and ensure that sleep happens at the same time each night. Otherwise the body will not be properly adjusted to when it should sleep and you will end up being awake at odd hours and sleeping at odd ones. If a regular schedule is promoted then there is a good chance that you will immediately notice a difference in the ease with which sleep will occur.

Being nervous when sleeping with a man is normal. After being used to sleeping alone for years, having to suddenly share a bed and cuddle with someone everyday is a challenge. However, the best thing to do is be honest if you are not ready to sleep together or if you want to be on separate sides of the bed. This will promote both honesty and good sleeping habits, otherwise you will be stuck in a rut of never sleeping properly.

Essentially, sleep is the most important factor in your life. Nothing can be achieved without sleep. You cannot be healthy, functional and active unless that rest is maintained on a daily basis. Of course, there are sleep disorders that cannot be avoided such as having a disease or taking medication that has a side effect of insomnia. However, most sleep problems are our own making and can be cured just as easily. Maintain a good lifestyle, sleep properly each night, avoid stimulants and you will see the change in your life immediately.

Author's Bio: 

Author Bio: Joel Mark is an online author who is passionate about basketball, weight training & fitness. When he's not outside exercising, he studies a lot about health and nutrition, which runs the gamut from avoid sleep apnea masks to nutrition.