An individual can require money for any purpose. Some require money to set up a new business or other may require the funds to expand the current one. Online loans are a type of services which look after all kinds of emergencies. The various types are unsecured funds, secured funds, doorstep loans, payday loans, personal loans. All these services have one thing in common that they all can be applied online. Since applying trough internet can save lot of time and energy, that’s why almost each and every company has shifted their focus on the internet.

Online loans have the capability to fulfil each type of need. Every service has different amount range and different repayment period depending on the need and financial capability of the borrower

Starting from payday loans where the amount is borrowed for a very short period of time. The repayment period bracket start from 1day to 30 days. And the money which is borrowed has to be in the range of £80 to £750. No credit checks are done, no security is demanded.

In unsecured funds the borrowed amount could get as higher as £25000 starting from £1000. The maximum time period allowed in this case is 10 years with least repayment period is of 1 year. Company does not demand any collateral. Person with bad credit check usually gets a positive reply.

In secured funds lender pays the amount against the calculated value of the security. And the maximum amount the borrower can get is £100,000 and the least is £500. Company always prefer this segment, because in this they can get their amount back by selling of the asset in case borrower fails to make the payment. The rate on interest in this case is lower than that of unsecured funds.

Business loans have a maximum limit £500,000 and the minimum limit of £5000. And the repayment period in this case is maximum of 25 years with the least time given by company is 5 years.

Person looking to buy a new car can have the desired loan amount which he can stretch up to £50,000 and the least amount for which he can apply in this segment is £2000.this borrowed amount has to be re-paid within 5 years , which is the maximum repayment period.

With the help of doorstep loans a person can get the amount at his door step. The upper limit of amount range is £500 with the lower limit is of £50. The repayment period granted is from 1 day to 30 days.

Author's Bio: 

Ashley Lewis is a well known author and currently working as financial adviser. He has been writing articles on Fast Online Loans from long time. To know more about Online loans, online payday loans, online cash loans, online loan and online loans for bad credit. Please visit at