When you think of design, what comes to mind? Many think of design, architecture, in particular, as merely a necessity. They don't contemplate that so much thought and skill go into the design of the structures that we inhabit, daily. Design doesn't have to be stark and bleak, it can be beautiful and awe inspiring.

When you look at the skyline of a large metropolitan city, you can either consider its value and beauty, or don't consider it, at all. When you look at a building, you should want to know what the designer was thinking. What was the purpose of this design, what did the architect set out to say or prove when they designed the building?

As far back as ancient Egyptian times, it's been shown that art came to life in the structures that were erected and are still being erected today. When the Egyptians built the pyramids, they were creating works of art, testaments of love and admiration to those who would spend eternity within.

It doesn't take an architecture buff to enjoy a building and its design. When someone has truly created a work of art in architecture, people will notice. When you look at the skyline in a whole different way, when you open your mind up to what someone was trying to say when they designed a building, only then can you truly understand just how beautiful architectural design can be.

Through the course of time, people have changed their minds about what is beautiful. Just like clothing and cars, design in architecture has varied, greatly. From huge, ornate and elaborate structures to simple and sleek lines, architecture is ever changing. The more you travel, the more you'll see the completely different forms of art in architecture.

Some see buildings like sky scrapers as just a necessity in life. There are jobs to be done, people need office space to do those jobs and many pay no mind to what their surroundings are, especially when they are going to work. It has actually been shown that those who find their surroundings visually stimulating and pleasing enjoy their duties more and are more productive.

Going from town to town, street to street, even block to block, you can look at the houses and shops, office buildings and hospitals, you can see the difference. You can immediately tell what designers were looking to merely serve the purpose of providing shelter from the elements. You'll see square boxes with no real feeling behind them that are typically painted in very boring colors. This isn't to say that simplicity isn't beautiful. There are many modern and post modern buildings that are very simple yet they evoke very strong emotion.

Over the years, the idea of design that is pleasing to the eye and that gives comfort to those who are within the walls of a building have evolved. Today's designs are more progressive in many ways yet some reflect back upon another time. Far away places can be brought to your town, all with the help of a creative and contemplative architect.

Author's Bio: 

Annie is an expert furniture and interior design writer. Her current area of specialism is furniture, kitchen furniture and loft bed