In today's world, everyone values ​​their time very much. Recruiters and employers do not want to waste their time clarifying information and meeting with unpromising candidates. Therefore, if your resume does not “hook” the reader right away, then most likely you will not fall into the selection funnel. In order to be able to choose from several employers and get an interesting and well-paid job, it makes sense to be conscious and careful in preparing your resume.

A career in a large organization with a high rating around the world and with a high salary is the dream of many people who are looking for work in any field of activity. Special opportunities in every direction open up for those who order their advertisements, resumes, from professional CRs.

But just before choosing a company, read the reviews and comments so as not to fall into the trap. Read reviews of topresume, this company works incredibly in the field of resumes by principle: No - templates, yes - creativity. And this is one of the reasons to trust them in order not to make mistakes and not lose your dream job.

What to begin with

A well-written resume is an undeniable advantage. It has been proven that a recruiter processes each CV in about 10 seconds on average. And only high-quality resumes will be selected by an HR specialist for further work.

Before you start drafting, it will be useful to know what HR managers, recruiters and employers first of all pay attention to in a candidate's resume. According to the Orange County Resume Survey, these are:

  • previous work experience (45%);
  • qualifications/skills (35%);
  • ease of reading/comprehension of information (25%);
  • achievements, merits, projects (16%);
  • spelling and grammar (14%);
  • education (9%);
  • clear goal (3%);
  • keywords (2%);
  • contact information (1%).


Mistake #1: Lack of purpose

Commitment is valued in any company. Whether we are talking about a small company with a dozen employees or a large international corporation. It is no good if the goal is blurred, incorrectly set or not at all. The main mistakes in the resume related to goal setting:

  1. The applicant applies for several vacancies at once - the goal is blurred.
  2. There is no indication of what position you are applying for - there is no goal.
  3. The applicant indicates one desired position, but the resume is "sharpened" for another - the goal is set incorrectly.

Write one resume for one job posting. Attempts to simultaneously apply for the positions of administrator, manager and translator tell the employer only about the indistinctness of the career strategy of the applicant and his lack of demand in the labor market.

Mistake #2: Using trite phrases

What is usually written in a resume about personal qualities? Approximately the following:

  • A responsibility.
  • Focus on results.
  • Striving for professional growth.
  • High learning ability.
  • Etc…

Such phrases do not increase the chances of employment and mean nothing for a long time - therefore they are not needed! Everyone writes them! I have not seen a single resume without a similar set of qualities. Avoid this if you want to stand out from the crowd.

Mistake #3: Using Inappropriate Photos

In some countries it is customary to include a photo on a resume, while in others it is not customary at all. If you definitely decide to add a photo, you should look professional in it, and look something like you would if you were going to an interview wearing that look. Photos from a beach holiday cannot be used.

At the same time, it is always appropriate to use photos for professional networks (like LinkedIn), on your website or in your portfolio account.

If you plan to work in the media field (journalist, TV presenter, etc.), you can add your photo to your resume, because this information is really important for the employer.


Mistake #4: Typos, mistakes

In some countries it is customary to include a photo on a resume, while in others it is not customary at all. If you definitely decide to add a photo, you should look professional in it, and look something like you would if you were going to an interview wearing that look. Photos from a beach holiday cannot be used.

At the same time, it is always appropriate to use photos for professional networks (like LinkedIn), on your website or in your portfolio account.

If you plan to work in the media field (journalist, TV presenter, etc.), you can add your photo to your resume, because this information is really important for the employer.


Mistake #5: Attention to size over content

If you are just starting your career, it is unlikely that your resume will be able to take more than one page. But do not try to force it to increase by adding unnecessary information or making the font bigger. Focus on content, not number of lines. Do not think that the employer will consider you an experienced professional if your resume is five pages long. In this case, quantity is also not quality. Most likely, the HR manager simply does not read the resume to the end, or does it inattentively. Highlight only your main qualities and achievements that are really important for a particular position. This is what will attract the employer, and you can talk about the rest of your merits and skills directly at the interview.

Summing up

The resume will be read by a stranger who has never seen the applicant. It is for these purposes that you need to work creatively on your resume, trying to convey all your potential, experience, and skills in it.

The main reason and rule when writing the perfect resume is to contact professionals. They will help to compose this document in such a way that it will be read with pleasure and invited to an interview. An important goal of writing a resume: to achieve a personal meeting with the employer. Although such a visit to a recruiting company does not guarantee getting the right job. Therefore, the applicant himself will still have something to work on.

Author's Bio: 

Acquiring a wealth of experience in writing articles on trends and prospects for the development of the game industry in the world I I've found myself as a Freelance Journalist. I am writing now about blockchain and cryptocurrencies trends, sometimes covering importance of bitcoin for various other industries.