Tell me, as a student do you feel stressed out? Is it because you scored poor grades or you haven't read and exams are around the corner? What is the real cause of your stress? You should first realize that you don't get something for nothing. What does this mean? Frankly speaking, you won't get good results if you're not willing to put efforts. You have to sacrifice yourself. "What! Sacrifice myself?"

Yes, you have to! No more argument about this, period. Effort is required to achieve the most excellent grades that will enable you to further your education. You'll agree with me that students who want to score top grades realize that they have first to get rid of bad habits. Stress is mostly experienced by students who have bad studying habits accompanied by other types of habits that are bad.

Five Ugly Studying Habits Students Should Overcome

1.) The worst studying habit is not reading at all or hating one of the subjects like Mathematics. Some students never open textbooks of the subjects they dislike so as to read yet they expect to score good grades. In context to this, I'm confessing to you. But before I do that, first promise me you won't laugh at me.

Well... while in high school I hated math. I usually kept all mathematics textbooks at the bottom of my locker. So, after a couple of months, I could take them out not to do some math calculations but to remove dust from them. Guess what eventually happened? Do I really need to tell you that I was the second best from bottom? Thanks to God, because I got serious and fixed this bad habit. You can also do the same. Yes, for sure you can do it to get rid of stress as a student who wants to score good grades.

2.) Skipping classes is another bad studying habit that contributes to stress among students. If your lecturer wants to discuss a particular topic that is found in the textbooks and you happen to be absent, then there are high chances of you not scoring top grades. The best way to get that information is by attending classes as per the schedule. While you might be able to get it from one of your classmates, it is always better to hear it for yourself.

3.) Being unprepared is another bad habit that some students have. This happens when students don't have all the requirements such as textbooks or being prepared to attend classes. This ends up causing distraction to other students who are prepared.

4.) Some bad studying habits that contribute to stress among students are physical and psychological in nature. Examples of such habits are, studying without eating, too much reading without resting, insufficient sleep, home related problems etc.

5.) Another studying bad habit that leads to stress among students is cramming. This leads to the last minute intensive reading. It is better you draft a reading schedule to help you in preparing for exams early.

Discipline is the common habit that has been found in students who score high grades. As a student, you should always remain disciplined.

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You need to deal with the fear of failure for you to excel. Click the link to get ten reasons why some people fail and how you will avoid them in order to succeed.