You must be you. You must be seen and heard. To build a profitable business that you LOVE, you get to be seen and heard in a way that establishes you as unforgettable. How are you showing up as you in all of your Brand Assets? If you are not able to differentiate yourself in the marketplace, and more importantly, if your Ideal Clients and Partners are not able to find you in the noise of nearly 20 Billion online cannot become Legend.

Speaker Bio
Amber Griffiths is a Maker of Legends, and Brand Strategist of Your Brand by Design. She is a bestselling author, international speaker and sought-after Strategist to A-List and soon-to-be A-List players. A bona fied RockStar, Amber is dedicated to guiding entrepreneurs to develop a brand that moves them from unknown to unforgettable and establish them as Legend.

Amber works with individuals who are committed to creating deep, genuine connections with their Ideal Clients and are looking to deliver an unforgettable experience that matters. They understand that it is by building higher-impact connections in a brand aligned manner that they can increase their profits and dramatically impact lives. They see the importance of being intentional with their marketing with specific attention to their Brand presence and are committed to a vision that matters.

Amber enjoys everything music related –attending live concerts, impromptu dance parties in the kitchen with her daughter, and singing anywhere the acoustics allow. If you spend more than 20 minutes with her, you will hear at least one movie quote and a handful of “amberisms.” If you haven’t yet seen Real Genius, Amber highly recommends you do so immediately. It is totally 80’s, and wonderful, and will help you understand at least 20% more of her sense of humor.

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Start Date: 08/10/2021 06:00 PM
End Date: 08/10/2021 08:30 PM
Timezone: Canada/Pacific
Informal Networking: 5:30 pm
Location: Online - Zoom Canada
Chapter: Victoria, BC

Author's Bio: 

You must be you. You must be seen and heard. To build a profitable business that you LOVE, you get to be seen and heard in a way that establishes you as unforgettable. How are you showing up as you in all of your Brand Assets? If you are not able to differentiate yourself in the marketplace, and more importantly, if your Ideal Clients and Partners are not able to find you in the noise of nearly 20 Billion online cannot become Legend.