Speaking of tomatoes, most people are not unfamiliar with them. It is because they are typical food on the table, and their nutritional value is high, especially the vitamin content is very high. In addition, various popular science points out that tomatoes can reduce the incidence of prostate cancer and improve prostate function on the Internet, so many men eat a lot of tomatoes because of this statement.

Can tomatoes help prevent prostate disease?

Various related articles and opinions point out that the main reason why tomatoes can protect the prostate and prevent diseases is that tomatoes contain lycopene, which can treat benign prostatic hyperplasia and avoid prostate cancer.

Lycopene is a kind of carotene, which is a chemical compound with a potent antioxidant effect. People can only get this substance from food, not synthesized by itself. Relevant studies have found that lycopene will be stored in the liver, seminal vesicle, and prostate after entering the body. The existence of lycopene in these cell tissues will inhibit cell proliferation through anti-oxidation, which can also play a role in preventing prostate hyperplasia and inhibiting the growth of prostate cancer cells.

Therefore, combined with domestic and foreign research points of view, lycopene has a noticeable effect on the treatment of prostate disease and protection of the prostate. But there are also relevant studies that lycopene can play the best role only after tomatoes are cooked, so only cooked tomatoes can protect the prostate gland.

Prevention is crucial, but once infected with prostate disease, especially prostatitis, people must receive active treatment. Then, they can choose appropriate drugs for treatment according to their conditions. Generally, they will select the proper antibiotics for therapy according to the type of pathogens in the body. At present, quinolones are the first choice in the clinic, especially for bacterial prostatitis.

Patients can also choose anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs or receptor antagonists according to their situation. Receptor antagonists are more suitable for patients with overactive bladder function. For chronic prostatitis or nonbacterial prostatitis, the effect of traditional Chinese medicine will be more pronounced, and the more prominent is Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill.

Of course, some habits in daily life can also help prevent prostate disease.

1. Avoid prolonged sitting

At present, many men need to sit in front of the computer for a long time because of work. And long-time sitting will lead to prostate compression, and lower limb blood circulation is not smooth. In this case, the prostate will follow the occurrence of problems and cause prostatitis. So avoid long-time sitting and do appropriate exercises that are helpful to the anterior glands.

2. Can't hold your urine

Urinate in time when you feel like urinating. If the urine stays in the bladder for a long time, it will flow back to the kidney and prostate along with the blood, and the bacteria carried in the urine will also flow back. These bacteria will accumulate in the kidney and prostate, which will cause organ damage. Problems will occur over a long time, so you can't hold your urine. Urinate in time.

3. Controlling sex life

Don't think that you are too young to indulge yourself. Just for a moment's happiness, controlling the frequency of sexual life can ensure the normal organs, especially the prostate. On the other hand, frequent sexual life will lead to repeated congestion and inflammation of the prostate. Of course, avoiding too much sex is not abstinence. Proper sex is good for the prostate.

War tips:

The prostate is particularly important for men. It also has a close relationship with sexual function, so men should pay attention to prostate prevention. Daily measures to protect the prostate can avoid it being affected, leading to sexual function and other reproductive systems are damaged.

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For more information, please feel free to refer to https://www.diureticspill.com/ for details and knowledge.