Insurance is serious business and is not one-size-fits-all. While there are players who seem to provide all sorts of insurance, it makes sense to go to someone who deals specifically with what you’re looking for.

When it comes to the minefield that is building insurance, then you realise how vital this is. For instance, Tradesman Saver is known primarily because it has so much experience in the world of trade services. Insurance in a construction site is mind-boggling of which, electricians insurance is one aspect. Almost anybody who does electrical work on a site requires insurance. This could include, lighting consultants and technicians, heating and air-conditioning contractors, repairmen and building construction companies.

Let’s take a look at the best players in the market in three top countries.


Electricians Insurance in the USA is one of the many things Progressive Commercial offers. This Fortune 200 Company extends this service as part of its Progressive Advantage® Business Program. Under this program, the insured business can avail of commercial auto insurance, general liability and workers’ compensation. The General Liability Insurance also known as business liability in the country, is useful in the case of medical payments, bodily harm, products in completed operations and/or any damage caused to the rented premises. Seeing how electricians are sued years after the completion of a project, this is a useful cover to have. A contractor or a small business owner does not have to grapple with high unexpected costs, thanks to this insurance.

⦁ Australia

In Australia, Insurance Australia Group Limited helps you save up to $75 when you avail of its policy online. It offers cover for Personal Accident and Illness which is useful when one is dealing with the risky world of electrical trade. Electricians handle dangerous materials, they can be electrocuted or suffer burns, accidents from fire and welding actions are also a high possibility. Besides all this, they could get sued for damages to person or property. Thus, having an insurance cover is useful to the electrician.

This group also provides insurance for tools and machinery that a tradesman in the electricity line may use. Equipment is specialised and expensive to replace or buy. If anything is stolen or damaged, it can lead to more expenses. With the General Property cover, this eventuality is also taken into account.

⦁ UK

In the United Kingdom, look no further than the Tradesman Saver group. This thirty year old business is the most trusted brand for industry insurance needs. It was started to bridge the lacunae in insurance policies. Now, thanks to its online offerings, many grateful customers are discovering how simple and effective it is to put their insurance cover in order. Electricians Insurance UK has seen huge leaps and bounds in the last few decades and this company has been at the forefront of this progress. With over 200 trades and professions being catered to, and over 100,000 businesses looked after, Tradesman Saver is a comprehensive, accessible choice. Choose from its well thought out insurance covers and take one that’s the best fit for you.

Image Credits:
Electrician via Pixabay.

Author's Bio: 

I am Rahul Raheja, Highly passionate writer, who loves creating an imaginary world with his writings.Business Development Consultant, Strategist,Blogger, Traveller, Motivational Writer & Speaker