Students are always loaded with a lot of career-related questions and most of them are not sure whom to ask for guidance. They ask around, look for resources, talk to parents and others, but they might end up with half-baked responses. This happens because the person whom they approach for guidance may or may not have a relevant degree or training or knowledge to back the suggestions. To overcome this problem, many schools are setting up career counseling cells with qualified counsellors. They become an integral part of the school system and have a positive impact on students.

The counsellors should not forget that they have to get the right certification from places of international repute. That enhances their skills and also helps them to guide the students better.

Here are the key benefits of having school counsellors in schools:

1) Student Guidance

With school counsellors on board, students get access to better guidance during the school hours. This helps them manage their time well. Otherwise, they have to seek support after the school hours and search for avenues investing a lot of time. The school counsellors can also monitor the progress of students and set an educational agenda for them. They motivate the students, make them expert learners and encourage them to interact more with parents.

Counsellors can arrange for individual or group counselling sessions based on the student requirement and help them find their true calling. They can also call for a parent and student meeting so that they are on the same page.

2) Parent – Student Connect

Parent-teacher meetings are a common norm across many schools. What if these meetings act as platforms for parents to understand their child’s career goals? Career counsellors at schools can make that happen. Counsellors walk the extra mile in giving guidance to parents so that they can understand their children better and work towards their goals.

With counselling support, the school can facilitate more parent-teacher and parent-student interactions. Parents can round up all the parenting related questions and get them clarified with the counsellors.

3) Teaching Effectiveness

School counsellors and teachers can work in tandem to meet the educational goals. This also improves the teaching effectiveness and increases the students’ achievements. Both can work together to plan the classroom sessions that blend theory and guidance and serve as skill enablers for students. Counsellors can gauge student behavior and learning in the classroom through various activities and pass the necessary feedback to teachers. This helps them in making the career roadmap for the students.

Counsellors can also aid teachers in the course design for effective delivery. International career counselling certification will help teachers in upskilling and doubling up as career counsellors. This is a win-win scenario for the schools and the teachers.

4) Additional Help for schools

Career counsellors can bring in more admissions to schools. A school with an expert team of counselors is valued more than other schools without counselors. So, trained counsellors who can help students reach their career goals are need of the hour. Schools also develop an effective student management system so that students can optimally use counseling services.

Becoming a school counsellor is no mean task. But internationally acclaimed courses such as Global Career Counsellor make it a cakewalk. Listening, speaking and interpersonal skills are hallmarks of career counsellors and if they can complement them with the right certification, they can work wonders in the field of counselling. Schools should encourage their teachers and counsellors to get such certifications and they are a must for individuals who want to take a plunge into counselling.

Author's Bio: 

Certified Career Counsellor From UCLA Extension and univariety