If you are suffering from unpredictable patchy hair loss, it's important to see to it as soon as possible!

Hair loss is one common complaint faced by the majority of citizens in a society. Be it the dumps of stress or the hormonal to nutritional malfunction, unpredictable hair loss is just so common. Among these, the most commonly seen is a medical condition called ALOPECIA, an autoimmune disease that results with unpredictable hairlessness particularly as patches in certain areas of the scalp. Hair loss mostly restricts itself within the scalp as patches, while in greater conditions it can consume the entire scalp to even the entire body. The condition can affect anyone regardless of age or sex, in most cases the condition is developed before 30 years of age.

On Further Understanding

There has been very little evidence that alopecia is caused by stress, but familial history is found to be positive as well. With so much studies still going on, it is assumed as an autoimmune reason for hair follicle destruction. Hair loss itself is the main symptom here, where the loss is seen as patches worth centimetres wide. It's manifestation is almost sudden within a span of a few years. Often hair loss may also occur in other parts of the face ie; eyebrows, eyelashes, beard or mustache.

According to modern medicinal practice, there is no cure for alopecia in any form, but there are treatments that can try or might stop further loss of hair or that helps hair to grow back quickly. Being more on the trial and error aspect, there is no surety for its success either. Topical medications are initialised along with steroid injections and light therapy as treatment protocols. Often oral vitamin supplements that promote hair growth are also implemented according to the extent of patient cooperation.

Ayurveda and Vagus Nerve

Effect of Alopecia to an individual

Although their condition has less or no effect on one's physiology, many people don't think it's even worth medical attention. But it's usually the stereotypes set up by the society regarding appearance and sexuality that affects the self esteem and confidence of these individuals. This may cause the person to limit social activities and gradually dwell into anxiety or depression which may further deteriorate the physiology of the individual.

Alopecia Through The Eyes Of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the holistic branch of science that enrolls the importance of disease cure at its root and perceives symptomatology in yet another way. As science understands a malady using doshic prevalence, an exact correlation to the corresponding disease may not be reached at. But, the particular condition of alopecia areata may be correlated to the disease named Indraluptha first mentioned in Charak Samhita.

According to Acharya Susrutha, Indraluptha is one among the Kapala Rogas or scalp disorders caused due to vitiation in the levels of Pitta and Vata entities that accumulate within the follicles, resulting in their weakness. Later Kapha entity and Rakta dhatu cause obstruction to the channels supplying nutrition to the follicle which results in hair falling off as tufts and preventing regrowth of hair from the same site.

Ayurvedic Management

As Indraluptha is a clear case of Srotorodha or blockage of channels by different entities, the treatment itself is to remove the obstruction to promote regenerative hair growth. Followed by external applications and internal medications that improve hair growth. The aim of the treatment is to alleviate Pitta dosha by purification of the body according to the severity.

Hasti Dantha Mashi

Among the many formulations used for external application in Indralupta, one revolting preparation is Hasti Dantha Mashi or Hasti Dantha Bhasma.

It is a very rare preparation of Elephant tusks mentioned in Bhaishajya Ratnavali. Authentically the preparation is formulated by trichurating minor pieces of the tusk with juice of Bhringraj (Eclipta alba) and further reducing it into ashes in an open or closed fire technique. Presently with fewer availability and wider wildlife protection acts, tusks have been replaced with teeth of elephant to horn of buffalo; for all are calcium compounds coming under Sudha Varga in Ayurveda. The exact mode of action of the particular drug is unknown, as active researchers are still going on its mode of action. but it is believed to remove obstructiveness from channels with its penetrating power and hot potency and shows tremendous results for the patient as well.

Ayurvedic Reference

हस्तिदन्तमसीं कृत्वा मुख्यं चैव रसांज्चनम्।रोमारायेतेन जायन्ते लेपात्पाणीतलेष्वपि।।सुश्रुत में तो यहां तक लिखा है कि हाथी दंत की भस्म व रसोत को बकरी के दुध में मिला कर लगाया जाऐ तो हथेली पर भी बाल ऊग सकते है। कभी प्रयोग नही
किया परन्तु शास्त्र मिथ्या नही हो सकता।कृप्या हस्ति दंत भस्म की उपलब्धता की सही जानकारी दें।

Application Technique

Hasti Dantha Bhasma is mixed with Maha Bringaraj thailam and applied on the scalp twice daily or according to the doshic status of the individual. Even though this is the classical line, many Ayurvedic physicians have tried with other formulations and even single drug combinations that have shown better results.

A few researches in this field do opine that, instead of mere application of the paste, it's scrubbing action is what stimulates better circulation and thus improved hair growth.

Ayurveda offers preventive and curative therapies for eliminating alopecia and it's associated complaints by normalising the doshic status of the individual. While the therapies aim at improving blood circulation on the scalp, it also improves the immunity or the factor of Ojas. While modern medications can only provide you with temporary relief, Ayurvedic management gives you the desired result. But During the course of the treatment, it is mostly vital to follow dietary regulations and lifestyle modifications suggested by your Ayurvedic physician.

The choice for your health is within your own hands!!

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. He is Author of the Book "Ayurveda – God’s Manual For Healing". He is an Ayurveda Expert Serving People worldwide through all the Possible Mediums, Operating from Main Branch in Mohali, India. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit www.PlanetAyurveda.com