It’s still early enough in the year for you to make your commitment to have 2009 be THE year you magnetize your soulmate!

Millions of people have found their divinely connected love partner, and if they can do it, YOU can do it…


You avoid the Top 5 Non-Supportive Love Patterns that REPEL SOULMATE LOVE!

The #5 Non-Supportive Love Pattern is:

“Leaky Energy”

…which means you are keeping a few ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends around as “just friends” and even sometimes they are “friends with benefits”…

You know what I mean!

This is Leaky Energy. This is an unconscious block that drains your energy and keeps your beloved away.

If you keep your life filled with these exes, there’s no place for your soulmate! Maybe you’ve heard the quote:

“Nature abhors a vacuum”

…this means: “clear out the old, prepare and open for the new!”

So, who are you holding onto? Let ‘em go!

Yes, I know that sometimes staying connected with an ex is necessary, like if you have children together…but many times you may stay involved with each other out of loneliness or habit or convenience.

If you are really ready to open up to love, respectfully and lovingly release those exes (that you can) to the Universe and to their soulmates, and allow that space that they once filled in your life to just…be….empty.


Amazing possibilities open up for you when you do this.

I did this…as many other soulmate couples have done before me.

I’m not saying this is easy. Many of our LoveLaunch clients resist me when I say this.

But for the many who have done this, it was A HUGE SHIFT which was absolutely necessary for them to be truly ready for love…

You may be lonely for awhile. Good. It’s okay to just be by yourself sometimes… It may be uncomfortable, but remember this:

“Comfort comes as a guest, lingers as a host, and stays to enslave you”…

Use your newly acquired time and higher energy levels for journaling, exercising, meditating, creating your vision board. This new time becomes your magnetic time.

Yes, quiet contemplation and self-love helps make you a soulmate magnet!

You work on You….and he/she will be drawn to you….


You also avoid the #4 Non-Supportive Love Pattern…

In our next issue of “Say Yes To Love” bi-monthly article (in two weeks), I will share with you the #4 Non-Supportive Love Pattern that could be repelling your soulmate from you!

See you then.

To your happiness and success in love in 2009,


Author's Bio: 

Dr. Lara Fernandez is a recently retired chiropractor who has had the opportunity and honor of serving and building loving connections and relationships with thousands of people over the past 10 years in practice. Her practice was one of the most successful woman-owned chiropractic practices in Northern California.
In 1998, Dr. Lara was chosen with fifty other chiropractors from around the world to go on a chiropractic mission in El Salvador for one week. They donated their services to almost 10,000 people that week! That week was full of amazing healings for the people she served. She returned to the States with a profound sense of gratitude for the chiropractic profession and her part in it.
Although her professional relationships were successful, her personal relationships were not. Still recovering from a bitter divorce, she took a two year “dating break” and avoided the dating scene entirely. Eventually, she started dating again, and after repeating the same mistakes over and over again, she realized something had to change, and since she was the common denominator in all of these similar relationships, she knew it had to be her.
There came the time when Dr. Lara fully committed herself to her soulmate. She was either going to be with her soulmate or be “the cat lady”. That kind of commitment led her down the path of self growth and personal development, she found a mentor to support and help and to hold her lovingly accountable for what she said she wanted.
Her coach helped her understand that her “bad luck” in love wasn’t her fault, but rather due to the conditioning she was raised with around relationships and the media messages that she had heard and seen since childhood. She also learned that it was possible to recondition herself for success in this area. By re-conditioning her mind, body and soul for soulmate love, with the help of her mentor and other coaches, she magnetized her soulmate and the love of her life, Johnny Fernandez, to her.
After this conncetion, Lara and Johnny were approached by several friends who asked them, “How did you do that?” and “Can you help me with that?” Within one year of helping their friends, they all had found their soulmates!
Now through their powerful LoveLaunch Weekends and programs, Johnny and Lara have helped hundreds of their participants prepare for the love they desire and deserve.