Have you ever really thought about the power God (The Great Spirit) uses? He has the biggest arsenal in the universe that is at our disposal and ready to help us in the battle of life. What are the Big Guns of God?

God’s Angels. They take action and are more powerful than any weapon on this planet. We are never truly alone and once we start communicating with our Angels - our life becomes enriched and meaningful.

As you were driving a car did you ever get a feeling that you needed to slow down and you didn't know why, then suddenly you see a truck barreling in front of you and you realize you avoided an accident? That was an Angel protecting you in that moment.

Upon meeting someone new have you ever had a really positive overwhelming feeling about that person? That's your Angel letting you know that this is someone that should be in your life.

These are some of the ways that the Angels operate in your life.

Throughout my life Angels have manifested themselves to me; it’s not a hallucination nor is it drug related. It’s quite real. Being a gifted clairvoyant, which is the paranormal to ability obtain information about an object or an event without the use of the known senses makes it quite easy for me to see, hear, and feel angels.
One of my most incredible encounters with an Angel had to do with my deceased father. I was sitting in my living room and suddenly I saw my father walk quickly, about ten seconds, through a wall. That in itself was quite miraculous. Next I turned my head to the left and there was a lady all dressed in white with long blond hair. We just stared at each other and it was as though we didn’t need words. I knew that she was observing me because my father wanted her to assist me and it was beyond his capabilities to give me the help that she could. This lasted for about one minute. Then she was gone. Within a week the most incredible miracles started happening for me. I know that she is one of my higher Angels and I often direct my prayers and thoughts to her. I feel her presence around me all the time.

Sometimes when I’m sleeping I wake up and my room is filled with Angels. They walk around the room blessing me and letting me feel their presence. I often write about Angels because I know what they have done in my life and I know it can happen for you!

The Big Guns

The big guns of God are the seven Arch Angels; Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel are the most active, but the others are Haniel, Raguel and Barakiel.

Michael was the first Angel to be created by God. He is the warrior and will fight the negative energies that can attack you.

Gabriel is a trumpeter, and as such the messenger. He is also the ruler of all cherubim’s.

Raphael is the angel of the spirits of humankind and the supervisor of Guardian Angels He is the healer and guardian of young people. He heals the Earth. He is the ruling prince of the virtues.

Uriel is the Angel of light. Call upon this angel to bring God’s protective light into your life.

Haniel is the glory or grace of God. He is invoked as a guardian against evil. He is the ruling prince of principalities. When you feel the presence of evil call upon this Angel to help you.

Raguel is an Angel of Earth. He brings Angels who have gone astray to account and punishes them accordingly.

Barakiel is known as lightning of God'. It is said that Barakiel has been appointed to help us open our hearts to all that is good and that he has the role of Angel of Good Fortune. People turn to him to invite more goodness into their lives.

Hearing from the Angels

Angels are very gentle spirits and you have to be sensitive to sense their presence. Sometimes it’s just a soft movement around you as they attempt to let you know that they are with you. It’s important to set aside quiet time each day to allow your Angels to communicate with you. They don’t come with a loud booming voice; it’s a sweet gentle communication. Sometimes you’ll think it’s your own thoughts, but that is the voice of your Angels.

When we call upon Angels in meditation, prayer, sacred ceremony, or with a simple thought in daily life, we are really preparing ourselves to receive communion with them. Our awareness heightens, our consciousness rises, our subtle senses begin to open and expand. Our energy increases and the frequency that we vibrate at also increases. Generally one of our senses leads the others in sensing heavenly Angelic presence. Whether this is feeling, seeing, hearing, heat, tingling, visioning, or knowing, one sense tends to be out front and, with practice, becomes the signal that we are making a deeper connection. Be conscious of your intuitive feelings that your Angel sends and go with those actions. I’ve always found that when I follow those intuitive thoughts I’m never led astray. It’s when I don’t listen that I end up with problems.

Pray In the Positive

Always speak in positive terms when praying aloud. And also, pray in the present tense, because Angels are creatures of this moment. Ask for exactly what you want, also stating when you need it. And always say THANK YOU after you've asked for something, as though it’s already yours, as though the Angel’s miracle has already manifested itself in your life.

Make Your Own Connection

If you would like guidance on connecting with an Angel contact me, and I will be able to take you through a guided meditation where you will personally meet one of your Angels. It is a life changing moment that you will cherish forever. I consider this the most sacred thing that I do in my spiritual work.

Author's Bio: 

Cherokee Billie offers help through the lens of clairvoyance, self-help, wisdom, philosophy, and spirituality. Cherokee Billie is the Author of "Heavenly Seduction" an Amazon.com best seller. In addition, Cherokee Billie is a Naturopathic Doctor (twenty years experience) Life Strategist, a Radio Personality, and an Ordained Minister leading people to a pathway to spiritual enlightenment. http://www.cherokeebillie.com